Here you will find screenshots and news about Marble Jetpack a  family friendly , adventure game available exclusively on Google Play. Not sure if I will be making an IOS version of the game. But if you have an Android device feel free to  install the game  at the Google Play store below!


(6-17-20214) Version 4.5.6 is now available. Had to update in app purchasing to keep Google happy. Still working on the adventure mode. Will release an update soon with it being at least playable. Until then keep enjoying the game and have fun!

(2-15-2024) Versiion 4.5.4 is now available. Was having some issues with Firebase analytics so I removed them from the app for now. It was making the Leaderboards not work as well. May have to start over in those. Sorry! In this updated version everything is operational again. Will be shifting focus back to the adventure mode that is in development and will be growing into the next part of Marble Jetpack. One feature that I think a lot of user will enjoy is that the marble will have a 360* view with camera scrolling. Still working out the bugs in that one but will be available when the adventure is opened up to the users. Keep enjoying the game for now more updates soon!

(2-6-2024) Version 4.5.0 is on its way. Made a cooldown period between rewarded videos of 5 minutes. The max videos Unity will allow is 25 per person per day. This is noted in the store panel. Also added a main menu button to the level complete panel to help if you are done playing for the time without being forced to go to the next level. Did some cosmetic improvements to the main menu and its opening panels. With this update out should really be able to focus on getting the adventure part of the game up and running. May be a little time before the next update to work on getting that done. More updates soon though on how it is going.

(2-5-2024) Version 4.4.9 is released. Had some store issues and level 5 issues that were resolved to keep the smooth play and flow going. Working on limiting the rewarded videos to every 5 minutes and also adding the inventory to the earn/buy store. Will be getting another update out soon and then focusing on the adventure levels. Excited to be back at it! More news and updates soon!

(2-2-2024)  Version 4.4.6 is now live! Hope you are all enjoying the challenge levels. Or at least the ones that did not already beat the arcade version to get to the challenge levels. As long as there are not any reported bugs with the new version will be focusing on the adventure level. More updates soon!

(1-15-2022) Marble Jetpack is back! Made a few changes to get it back compliant. Also challenge levels are now available all the time instead of needing to beat the arcade levels first. Note that the store for lives and powerups is not available during this release 4.4.3 but will be back soon along with the adventure being developed as well. Enjoy the changes for now more updates soon! 

(1-15-2022) Just getting back to this project and am adding a lot more improvements and will be releasing a brand new update with tons of upgrades. Also will be allowing everyone to be able to play challenge levels along with arcade and adventure. Instead of beating arcade to open challenge and then beating challenge to open Adventure. Will post another update here soon. Thank you to all the downloads that stayed through the gap of working on this!!

(8-27-2020) Working currently on update 4.4.0. This is going to be a huge update with more challenge levels added and the beginning of the Adventure. Can't wait to get this update out and see what you guys think so far. Excited to be getting this update out A.S.A.P. Note:  Decided to stop with 5 arcade levels to have a few more challenge levels and still keep app download size minimum.

(8-13-2020) Well after a little road bump 4.3.9 is now live on the play store. With this release many bug fixes along with the challenge levels being added and google play services being added to allow everyone to compete in the challenge levels to see who can get the best time.  Must have Google Play Games installed on your device to compete. New screen shots will be available below soon. Enjoy!

(8-4-2020) Update 4.3.7 is well on its way. Will be releasing it with level 6 added along with the introduction of the challenge levels.  Looking forward to the release as it should be out soon. 

(7-22-2020) Third time is a charm. Had to release 4.3.6. Much more stable and running very nice. Hope you all enjoy the update!

(7-22-2020) Update 4.3.4 has been released. Had to skip a few update versions because of an adjustment last minute  : Made some improvements  to level 5 and also the menu. Fixed a bug issue going on with the rewarded ads as well. Hope you like the changes! 

(7-18-2020) Update 4.3.0 quickly became update 4.3.1 because of a bug. But it is live! Hope you all enjoy it. New screenshots are below.

(7-10-2020) Update 4.3.0 coming very soon. Tons of updates and improvements. Excited to get this one out there! 

(7-1-2020) Had to roll out update 4.2 for a minor mistake  made with the banner ads. More levels coming soon!!!  Thanks for supporting Marble Jetpack!!

(6-30-2020) Just released update 4.1 for Marble Jetpack. Should be available for download or update very soon after processing. Added ads to the bottom of the screen to try and raise revenue. Also make the timer in the levels change color when it gets down to 10 seconds or less. A few other bug fixes as well. Will be posting some new screenshot that you can check out below. Enjoy the update ! More levels and updates coming soon. :)

(6-14-2020) Just released 4.0 for Marble Jetpack. Should be available for download or update very soon after processing. Added enemies to the levels and a few rewarded videos for inventory. Hope you all enjoy the new release. More updates coming soon! 

(6-9-2020) Working on update 4.0 that will have a few upgrades to the levels along with adding enemies to the levels. Looking forward to get this update out and make the levels a little more exciting and  challenging. Will update when it is available! 

Here are some screenshots from a MOTO Z4 phone.  Easy to play on this phone. (Updated 7-18-2020)

Here are some screenshots from a Asus  Z10 tablet. The game is now adapting much better to different screen resolutions.  (Updated 7-18-2020)