Nikon N-STORM Super-Resolution Microscopy System with Home-Built Spectroscopic Single-Molecule Imaging Capability

Laser lines: 405nm/100 mW, 488nm/200 mW, 561nm/200 mW, 589nm/200 mW, 640nm/500 mW, 980nm/200mW.

Objective lens: 100 X TIRF; 20 X

Imaging modality: STORM, PALM, TIRF, sSMLM, Epifluorescence, DIC

Dedicated small-molecule organic synthesis lab

A CombiFlash NextGen 300 automated flash column system for automated chromatography purification

A Buchi R-300 Rotavapor

A BrandTech PC3001 VARIO Vacuum Pump with automated vacuum control down to 0.2 mBar

Two chemical fume-hoods

One high-temperature oven

High-capacity cell and tissue culture facility (MAP lab members have full access through Biomedical Textiles Research Group)