(Oregon Battle of the Books)

For more information about OBOB   (handbook and book lists for 2021-2022) please visit: https://www.oregonbattleofthebooks.org/

What is Battle of the Books? 

“The Oregon Battle of the Books is a statewide reading motivation and  comprehension program sponsored by the Oregon Association of School Librarians in conjunction with a Library Services and Technology Act grant. Students, regardless of ability, are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles and viewpoints. The goals of the program are to encourage and recognize students who enjoy reading, broaden reading interests, increase reading comprehension, and promote academic excellence. Students read the books, discuss them, quiz each other on the contents, and then compete in teams of four students to correctly answer questions based on the books in a “quiz show” format.” (from the OBOB web site) 

Video of a battle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtTsoHtGTLg&feature=youtu.be

OBOB 2025

3rd to 5th Grade Division (Maplewood uses a short list for 3rd grade -- those 8 books (once selected) will be in red.

Padlet of mOBOB information! (click me)  https://padlet.com/kordahl1/9dgf9zq6m1ixa2mv 

https://www.oregonbattleofthebooks.org/2022-2023-obob-partial-title-list/ (with annotated lists -- including number of pages, summary, reading level)

Multnomah Country Library has ALL OBOB title -- some as ebooks,  audio and/or print: https://multcolib.org/

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