
Développement d'interfaces web (Web interface development)
Practical classes & group project at University Grenoble Alps - IUT2 - BUT 1 (1st year) in Computer Science - 34H

Initiation au développement (Introduction to software development)
Lectures, tutorials, practical classes & group project at University Grenoble Alps - IUT2 - BUT 1 (1st year) in Computer Science - 85H

Développement d'interfaces web (Web interface development)
Practical classes & group project at University Grenoble Alps - IUT2 - BUT 1 (1st year) in Computer Science - 34H

Développement orienté objet (Object-oriented programming)
Lectures & practical classes at University Grenoble Alps - IUT2 - BUT 1 (1st year) in Computer Science - 22H

Conception orientée objet (Object-oriented design)
Lectures & tutorials at University Grenoble Alps - IUT2 - BUT 1 (1st year) in Computer Science - 16H

Exploitation d'une base de données (Database usage and management)
Lectures, tutorials & practical classes at University Grenoble Alps - IUT2 - BUT 1 (1st year) in Computer Science - 28H

Qualité et au-delà du relationnel (Advanced database design and business intelligence)
Lectures, tutorials & practical classes at University Grenoble Alps - IUT2 - BUT 2 (2nd year) in Computer Science - 14H


Langages formels et calculabilité (Formal languages and computability)
Tutorials at University Grenoble Alps - UFR SHS - License 2 in Mathematics and Computer Science Applied to the Humanities and Social Sciences - 20H

Architecture Logicielle pour l'IHM (Software architecture for HMI)

Practical courses at Polytech Grenoble - License 3 in Health Information Technology – 21H


Conception et programmation Orientées Objet (Object-oriented design and programming)
Tutorials, practical courses and group project at University Grenoble Alps - UFR IM²AG - Master 1 in Computer science - 15H

Programmation et projet logiciel (Programming and software development project)
Practical courses and group project at University Grenoble Alps - UFR IM²AG - License 3 in Computer science - 21H

Architecture Logicielle pour l'IHM (Software architecture for HMI)

Practical courses and group project at Polytech Grenoble - License 3 in Health Information Technology – 27H

The course has been adapted for remote teaching, and a group project has been introduced to answer students' difficulties. 

2018 - 2019

Gestion de données relationnelles et applications (Relational data management and applications)

Tutorials at University Grenoble Alps - DLST - License 2 in Computer science - 15H

Techniques des logiciels interactifs (Interactive software techniques)
Practical courses at University Grenoble Alps - UFR IM²AG - Master 1 in Computer science - 15H

Architecture Logicielle pour l'IHM (Software architecture for HMI)

Practical courses at Polytech Grenoble - License 3 in Health Information Technology – 21H