Modelling and simulation of the mobility needs of the ageing population in the UK and Canada for on demand-responsive autonomous transportation

Research fellowship - 2022-2023

University of Leeds - School of Geography - Leeds Institute for data Analytics

 With E. Manley

In most countries, the population is ageing. By 2030, 11.7% of the world's population is expected to be aged 65 or over. Population ageing is particularly strong in Europe and North America. By 2030, 21.5% of residents will be aged 65 or over in the UK and 22.8% in Canada. These demographic trends pose challenges to existing mobility infrastructure and services, which play a crucial role in enabling older residents to maintain a high level of independence and well-being.

The RAIM (Responsible Automation for Inclusive Mobility) project is a British-Canadian collaboration to address how an on-demand autonomous vehicle system can meet the diverse needs of older populations and improve the lives of older travellers.

As part of this project, my work contributes to the modelling and simulation of the mobility needs of the ageing population in the UK and Canada, in order to identify the need for autonomous on-demand transport.

agent-based simulation, MATSim, Python

Modelling and simulation of realistic pedestrian behaviour in a shared space with an autonomous vehicle

PhD thesis - 2018-2021

Grenoble Alps University - Grenoble Informatics Laboratory, STeamer team - Inria, Chroma team

With J. Dugdale, A. Spalanzani, L. Mancheva

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) function well on highways and roads i.e. in structured and fairly predictable environments. However an increasing trend in urban design is to promote shared spaces where segregation between pedestrians and vehicles is minimized by removing features such as kerbs, road markings, traffic signs and traffic lights. Therefore, AV navigation in dynamic and human populated environments (i.e. shared spaces) should be addressed.

The goal of the HIANIC (Human Inspired Autonomous Navigation In Crowds) project, financed by the French National Research Agency, is to ensure safe and predictable interaction between an AV and pedestrians in shared spaces.

As part of this project, my thesis contributes to the crowd analysis by modelling and simulating pedestrian behaviours in order to give the AV knowledge of its social environment in the present and the near future. The models integrate knowledge from social sciences (proxemics, behaviorism), and use agent-based simulation and robotic functions. Read more...

agent-based simulation, Pedsim_ROS, C++, ROS, Python

SPACiSS simulator: Simulation of Pedestrians and an Autonomous Car in Shared Spaces

Defense slides: here

Smart mobility and adaptive governance

Master 2 internship  - 2017

LIRIS - Multi-Agent Systems team.

With V. Deslandres, S. Fenet, S. Pageaud, L. Gervasoni

The SmartGov platform allows the implementation of multi-agent urban mobility simulations. The UrbanSprawl platform uses data from OpenStreetMap to assess urban sprawl in order to limit its negative impact on the cities sustainability. These two platforms shared a common limit: they lacked real mobility behavior data.

My internship had three goals: the creation of a more realistic multi-agent model, the validation of the model with real mobility data on the city of Lyon, and the evaluation of theoretical urban sprawl indicators on the realistic city model.

I added realism to the SmartGov model and developed a realistic trajectories generator from open data. I used data from traffic sensors on the city of Lyon and Household-Movement Survey data to validate the simulated trajectories and evaluate the accessibility indicator. Although perfectible, the mobility behaviors generated are close to the observed ones. Read more...

urban mobility, urban sprawl, multi-agent simulation, Repast Symphony, Java, Python

Design and development of a management tool for wireless sensor networks

Master 1 internship  - 2016

Irstea - UR TSCF

With G. De Sousa

The purpose of this internship was the design and the development of a management tool for wireless sensor networks deployed on farms. Each network consists of multiple wireless sensors, spread over a plot, collecting measures such as air temperature or humidity at a given frequency.

During this internship, I developed a tool to facilitate the management of these wireless sensors. Part of this tool is developed in Java language and allows recovering measures taken by the sensors on the field and remotely configuring them. A website with responsive web design, enables centralized management of equipment in stock or on the field, as well as consultation of collected data and remote configuration of sensors. Read more...

web management tool, wireless sensor networks, remote measures, Java, HTML, PHP, CSS, JavaScript Bootstrap, PostgreSQL