Technical Skills



My journey with Python began during my early engineering days. I fell in love with Python from the moment I executed my first "hello world" program. I initially learned Python through YouTube tutorials, where I implemented various projects demonstrated by different creators. As my skills developed, I ventured into larger projects involving programming with pre-trained models, machine learning, game development, and data visualization.

C Programming

C++ Programming

Java Programming


Tools for Data Analysis and Visualization


I used to have a typical opinion of Excel as "just a data entry software." However, during my engineering studies, a friend and I decided to try an Excel course on YouTube. Upon completing the course, we were thrilled to discover the potential of Excel for project work. My first project involved creating a dashboard showcasing my class ranks. Over time, I expanded my skills to develop more informative and advanced dashboards.


Power BI is a Microsoft business intelligence tool that allows users to connect to and visualize data. It helps users make better decisions, empower data teams, and bridge the gap between insights and decisions. Power BI is commonly used by business analysts, but is also designed to be easily accessible for those without any specialized data knowledge. 

Python Editors and Frameworks


Jupyter Notebook is an Python Editor which provides a good environment for coding. When working on Data Visualization Projects, I choose Jupyter Notebook because it is perfect for the work to get done.   


Streamlit is a free and open-source framework for quickly creating and sharing visually appealing machine learning and data science web apps. It is a Python-based library created primarily for machine learning .

Web Development Technologies 


A frontend language that is important to know when working on frontend projects is HTML. It was the first thing I worked on in computer science during my younger school days.


A platform used to enrich your frontend with various options. I learnt CSS during my Internship.  

Database Management


MySQL is another platform where a different approach is required to solve problems. My journey with SQL didn't start off well because I failed to grasp the basics initially. However, after taking a break and ensuring I learned the fundamentals, I was able to effectively implement my ideas and solve problems. From there, I progressed to successfully tackling medium-level problems online.