
Colorizing Black & White Image files

This program uses  neural network such as CNN and Python Deep Learning Concepts to colorize the Black & White Images. Well the problem with colorizing Black & white images is that the variation of light value. hence the above program works to colorize the image from the least light value to the maximum light value, ie. colorizing one black & white picture for 31 times. later the  program chooses the well colored image from the 31 images as output image. 

Colorizing Black & White Video files

The project uses neural network such as CNN and Python Deep Learning Concepts to colorize the Black & White Video. The Process starts by feeding a Black & White Video through Python GUI, the program then breaks the video into single frames, the above in the video of 30 seconds had 1045 frames. This frames are then colorized one by one once done the program joins the frames into a output video  .

Chess Game Data Visualization

This is one of my favorite projects i worked on, the dataset was prepared by me. I used ChatGPT to implement the project. There are two major applications 1) Game Visualization 2) Data Visualization. In the first phase we need to specify the moves played by two players then the program would generate chess board with the moves provided. In the second phase the program uses the dataset to generate 5 different graphs providing deeper information about the game.

Image Concatenator

Through this project i was able to merge two split pictures to one concatenated Image using Python libraries such as Opencv, Pandas, Matplotlib and streamlit for deploying project as a webapp.  The program works to work on matching the pixels at the edge of the Image and merges the Images based on the basis of maximum number of pixels matched by the edges.

Dashboard on Migration of Indians

The dashboard titled "Dashboard on Indian's Migration from the Year 1960 to 2000" depicts trends in Indian immigration patterns between 1960 and 2000. It combines a world map with a chart that lists various destination countries.

The chart lists several destination countries including Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, and Germany. It appears to show the total number of immigrants from India for each country across the four decades. For example, the entry for Canada shows a total of 29,547 immigrants for 1960. There is also a breakdown by gender for each year.


This dashboard report offers insights into the motivations behind Indian migration throughout history.



🎓 Developed a CGPA and SGPA Calculator using Python and Streamlit. This tool enables easy calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) and Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA), vital metrics in academic evaluation. Users can input subject marks, generating SGPA for individual semesters and CGPA for multiple semesters. The interactive interface offers a seamless experience, with the option to download grade tables as PDFs. Ideal for students and educators seeking efficient grade tracking and evaluation.

Snake Game using PyGame

This is a small game which we all have played in our childhood, through this program we are able to learn how the game works and what are the mechanisms used behind. The program provides understanding on the pygame module, the concept of class and objects. 

Dynamic Audio Spectrum Square Visualizer 

Experience real-time audio visualization with Python and Pygame. This program translates music amplitude into vibrant visual displays, synchronized with the audio playback. Explore interactive parameters for customization and educational value. Developed with Python, Pygame, and Librosa, it showcases the intersection of art, technology, and education. Demo video and source code available for exploration.