
Andrew Lee

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: Project manager, server admin & video time-lapser

About: Having worked on the first Minecraft ManMet Campus as a project coordinator, I wanted to return and continue with this project by helping support other students collaborate with phase 2! I hope I can bring my skills and experience to this project in hopes of recreating the same success.

Anthony Doolan

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: Redstone engineer & builder

About: Married 3 kids (2 of whom are MC mad!) after winning the Christmas build off I was invited to partake in this project. It’s quite fun seeing it all come together!

Bluebell Paul

Department: Department of Design

Roles: Builder

About me: A Manchester Metropolitan University student.

Chloe Latham

Department: Department of Design

Roles: Interior decorator, photographer & graphic designer

About me: A Manchester Metropolitan University student.

Dakota Garth

Department: School of Childhood, Youth and Education Studies

Roles: Builder

About me: She loves Minecraft.

Dylan Tan Pooi Shiang

Department: Multimedia University Malaysia

Roles: Redstone engineer & builder

About: He is a research scholar at Multimedia University Malaysia. He was grateful and honored to work with MMU staff and students in constructing virtual campus buildings by using Minecraft.

Ethan Street

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: Builder

About: Mine-crafter since 2012. I sometimes play golf and write stories. My favourite tea is English Breakfast and I like Muesli. Most importantly I have !

Hamza Zaman

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: 3D modeller

About: I live taking part in extra activities as I am always eager to learn new skills and experiences outside of studies. Over the past few years I have taken part in numerous actives representing different departments and organisations. Looking forward to putting my skills to test in the next event.

Jacob Walukiewicz

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: Builder

About: He is a BSc (Hons) Business Technology student.

Julien Stockwell

Department: Department of Media

Roles: Media advisor

About: A Manchester Metropolitan University student.

Laura Schofield

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: Project coordinator

About: I am a first year Business Technology student who happened to have a love for minecraft and is always up for a good challenge. This is why the ManMet Campus was the perfect opportunity for me to play a game a love while learning more about the university I study at.

Lalaine Manalastas

Department: Department of Computing and Mathematics (DOCM)

Roles: Interior decorator & builder

About: A Manchester Metropolitan University student.

Ma Shanice Reyes Nica Reyes (Nica)

Department: Department of English

Roles: Builder, proofreader & media advisor

About: I am a film and media student that enjoys playing video games.

Mahwish Nadim

Department: Department of Computing and Mathematics (DOCM)

Roles: Builder

About: A Manchester Metropolitan University student.

Maida Alamgir

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: Coder & web designer

About: She is the master coder behind the website.

Maria Alamgir

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: Content writer

About: Since I can remember I always had a major interest in technology, therefore I am currently a second-year student studying Business Technology further exploring the potential of technology and how it applies to businesses.

Melanie Louise Cope

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: Builder

About: She is a BSc (Hons) Business Technology student.

Millicent (Millie) Patten

Department: Department of Design

Roles: Interior decorator

About: As a big gamer I had to join this project. I have loved getting creative and having fun with the team.

Rabia Khawar

Department: Department of Operations, Technology, Events and Hospitality Management (OTEHM)

Roles: Media producer

About: I love trying new things and getting involve into this project was definitely a new experience!

Sofia Ofori

Department: Department of Design

Roles: Builder

About: I am a third year Textiles in Practice knit student taking part in the build as my degree concludes. This has been my first experience with Minecraft and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working on Project X, contributing to the exterior and interior of the new Arts & Humanities building. 

Tay Nian Chi

Department: Multimedia University Malaysia

Roles: Interior decorator & builder

About: She is a research scholar at Multimedia University Malaysia, a partner university of MMU. It was a great opportunity for her to work with the MMU staff and students in constructing virtual campus buildings such as Business School and Law School using Minecraft. She was thankful and honoured to have been part of this amazing Minecraft team!

Thomas (Tom) Hall

Department: Department of Computing and Mathematics (DOCM)

Roles: Interior decorator & redstone engineer

About: I have just completed my second year in computer games technology, I have a passion for making as well as playing games and currently hold a Guinness World Record holder for the fastest completion of the Trackmania Turbo racetrack in double driver smash mode.

Bonus Bloopers Video

This video covers some clips showing some behind the scenes of what really happened during construction as well as illustrating a few glimpses of how our construction team was working seriously on this project and also having a lot of fun during this project as well.