
Link to my google scholar page HERE

26- Human ESCRT-III Polymers Assemble on Positively Curved Membranes and Induce Helical Membrane Tube Formation, Nature Communication (2020), under press.

Bertin A., De Franceschi N., De La Mora E., Maity S., Alqabandi M., Miguet N., Di Cicco A., Roos W., Mangenot S*., Weissenhorn W.*, Bassereau P.* (* Equally contributed; Co-last authors)

25- Membrane reshaping by micrometric curvature sensitive septin filaments, Nature Communication 10, 1-12 (2019).

Beber A., Taveneau C., Nania M., Tsai F-C, Di Cicco A., Bassereau P., Lévy D., Cabral J., Isambert H., Mangenot S.*, Bertin A.*, (* Equally contributed)

DOI : 10.1038/s41467-019-08344-5 PDF

24- Septin‐based readout of PI (4, 5) P2 incorporation into membranes of giant unilamellar vesicles, Cytoskeleton (2018).

DOI : 10.1002/cm.21480

Beber A., Alqabandi M., Prevost C., Bassereau P., Bertin A.*, Mangenot S*. (* Equally contributed), PDF

23- The ESCRT CHMP2B acts as a diffusion barrier on reconstituted membrane necks, J. Cell. Science 132(4) (2018).

De Franceschi N., Alqabandi M., Miguet N., Caillat C., Mangenot S., Weissenhorn W., P. Bassereau,

DOI: 10.1242/jcs.217968

22- The Matrix protein M1 from influenza C virus induces tubular membrane invaginations in an in vitro cell membrane model, Scientific Reports 7, 40801, (2017)

Saletti D , Radzimanowski J, Effantin G, Midtvedt G, Mangenot S, Weissenhorn W and Bassereau P PDF

21- Spreading of porous vesicles subjected to osmotic shocks: the role of aquaporins, Soft Matter (2016)

Berthaud A, Quemeneur F, Deforet M, Bassereau P, Brochard-Wyart F and Mangenot S. PDF

20- The architecture of Rhodobacter sphaeroides chromatophores, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Bioenergetics, 1837(8), 1263-1270 (2014)

Scheuring S, Nevo R, Liu L, Mangenot S, Charuvi D, Boudier T, Prima V, Hubert P, Sturgis JN and Reich Z PDF

19- Ab initio and all-atom modeling of detergent organization around Aquaporin-0 based on SAXS data, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 117(43), 13588-13594 (2013)

Koutsioubas A, Berthaud A, Mangenot S and Pérez J PDF

18- Modeling detergent organization around aquaporin-0 using small-angle X-ray scattering, Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (24), 10080-10088 (2012)

Berthaud A, Manzi J, Pérez J* and Mangenot S* PDF

17- Structural information, resolution, and noise in high-resolution atomic force microscopy topographs, Biophysical journal 96 (9), 3822-3831 (2009)

Fechner P, Boudier T, Mangenot S, Jaroslawski J, Sturgis JN and Scheuring S PDF

16- Malformation of junctional microdomains in cataract lens membranes from a type II diabetes patient, Pflügers Archiv-European Journal of Physiology 457 (6), 1265-1274 (2009)

Mangenot S, Buzhynskyy N, Girmens JF and Scheuring s PDF

15- Structure and dynamic of the nucleosome core particle, Medecine sciences: M/S 24 (8-9), 715-719 (2007)

Bertin A and S Mangenot

14- Study of the organization and genesis of Randall’s plaque by physical techniques of characterization, The Journal of Urology 179(4), 506 (2008).

Carpentier X., Daudon M., Bazin D., Andre G., Matzen G., Veron E., Mangenot S., Traxer O.

13- Discovery of new hexagonal supramolecular nanostructures formed by squalenoylation of an anticancer nucleoside analogue, Small 4 (2), 247-253 (2008)

Couvreur P, Reddy LH, Mangenot S, Poupaert JH, Desmaële D, Lepêtre‐Mouelhi S, Pili B, Bourgaux C, Amenitsch H and Ollivon M PDF

12- H2A and H2B tails are essential to properly reconstitute nucleosome core particles, European Biophysics Journal 36 (8), 1083-1094 (2007)

Bertin A, Durand D, Renouard M, Livolant F and Mangenot S

11- Structure and phase diagram of Nucleosome Core Particles aggregated by Multivalent cations, Biophys J.93, 3652-3663 (2007).

Bertin A., Mangenot S., Durand D., Livolant F. PDF

10- Are liquid crystalline properties of nucleosomes involved in chromosome structure and dynamics?, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical Physical and Engineering Sciences 364(1847), 2615-2633 (2006)

Livolant F, Mangenot S, Leforestier A, Bertin A, De Frutos M, Raspaud E and Durand D PDF

9- Encapsidation and transfer of phage DNA into host cells: From in vivo to single particles studies, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1724 (3), 255-261 (2005)

L Ponchon, S Mangenot, P Boulanger, L Letellier PDF

8- Real time fluorescence imaging of single DNA ejection from phages, Current Biology 15, 430-435 (2005).

Mangenot S., Hochrein M., Rädler J., Letellier L., PDF

7- Combination of chirality and electrostatic effects in the supramolecular organization of nucleosome core particles assemblies, Microscopy and Microanalysis 11 (S02), 136-137 (2005)

Leforestier A, Mangenot S and Livolant F

6- Phase diagram of nucleosome core particles, Journal of molecular biology 333 (5), 907-916 (2003)

Mangenot S, Leforestier A, Durand D and Livolant F PDF

5- Transport of nucleosome core particles in semidilute DNA solutions, Biophysical journal 85 (3), 1817-1825 (2003)

Mangenot S, Keller S and Rädler J PDF

4- X-ray diffraction characterization of the dense phases formed by nucleosome core particles, Biophysical journal 84 (4), 2570-2584 (2003)

Mangenot S, Leforestier A, Durand D, Livolant F PDF

3- Interactions between isolated nucleosome core particles: A tail-bridging effect?, The European Physical Journal E: Soft Matter and Biological Physics 7 (3), 221-231, (2002)

Mangenot S, Raspaud E, Tribet C, Belloni L and Livolant F PDF

2- Salt-induced conformation and interaction changes of nucleosome core particles, Biophysical journal 82 (1), 345-356 (2002)

Mangenot S, Leforestier A, Vachette P, Durand D and Livolant F

1- Structural and Electrical Properties of Epitaxial SBT Thin Films by PLD, Ferroelectrics 225, 1-4, 1027 (1999)

Koo S.M., Mangenot S., Zheng L.R.,