"dhyāyato viṣhayān puṁsaḥ saṅgas teṣhūpajāyate

saṅgāt sañjāyate kāmaḥ kāmāt krodho ’bhijāyate 

krodhād bhavati sammohaḥ sammohāt smṛiti-vibhramaḥ 

smṛiti-bhranśhād buddhi-nāśho buddhi-nāśhāt praṇaśhyati

Manas Palmal

I am a Research and Development Professional. More specifically, I work on the Design and Control aspects of Power Electronics Converters. I have over eight years of experience from academic institutes such as the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and Indian Institute of Science Bengaluru and also from industries such as Delta Electronics India Private Limited, Bengaluru, MWP Lab.

NOTE: If you really care about educational qualification and degree, please don't waste your time on me.