MA Journalism

Virtual Library

How to access e-books in the library

Accessing E-books in Library website.mp4

Useful links

Communication Theory


Reports and Statistics

Protecting journalism sources in the digital age

Safety guide for journalists: a handbook for reporters in high-risk environments

Society for News Design

The story of Indian Press

History of the freedom of the press before independence

The changing face of Indian media

History of freedom of the press in India before independence

A History of Journalism


Advt & Marketing Communications Tutorial

Advertising Management

Improved marketing communications of Creative Media Group S.L. towards the advertisers in the Barcelona Metropolitan magazine

Digital Marketing Communications

Media free resources for film & digital media production

Cambridge in color : a learning community for photographers

Watch and learn : Digitutor

Introduction to Communication Research

Prezi: Media and Mass communication research

Management Study Guide :Public Relations

Ten principles of media management

Media Management in Theory and Practice

Media management manual: a handbook for television and radio practitioners in countries-in-transition

What is a Documentary Film: Discussion of the Genre.

society for technical communication

Technical writing: a guide for effective communication

Technical writing tool box

TechWhirl : resource for Content Management and Technical Communication

Writers UA

Visual pleasure and narrative cinema 1975-Laura Mulvey

Film School Online

Introduction to film studies-Cinematography

The Data Journalism handbook one

Where journalism meets data

The Guardian

Learn to create impactful infographics and data visuals

Data visualization and infographic design

Practically Engaged

Quick guide to data journalism

Photojournalism links

12 links for photojournalism lovers

Understanding and appreciating the basics of photojournalism

Learning Photojournalism and photo essays

An introduction to photojournalismUnderstanding media-politics-economy-society-Interrelationship in India: relevance of Habermas and Chomsky

Articles by Robin Jeffrey

The Hoot

Articles by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta

Selling the fourth estate: how free is the India media?

Key Concepts and Models of Communication

History of Media in Kerala


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