BA History

BA History (Hons)

Semester I

Rethinking Classical Indo-Roman Trade

Semester II

Malabar and The Portuguese

Malabar in Asian Trade 1740-1800

Trade And Empire in Western India 1784-1809

Semester III

India: an Archeological History

India's Ancient Past

The Indus Civilization

Ancient India: In Historical Outline

A History of Ancient and Early Medieval India

Civilizations Of The Indus Valley And Beyond

Material Culture and Social Formations in Ancient India

The Penguin History of Early India From The Origin to AD 1300

Sangam Polity: The Administration and Social Life of the Sangam Tamils

Asoka and the Decline of the Mauryas

Trade, Ideology and Urbanization

Indian Feudalism

How Feudal was Indian Feudalism/ Social Scientist

The Decline of Nayar Dominance

The National Question in Kerala

The history of Freedom Movement in Kerala

Politics, Women and Well-Being

Conversion and Social Equality in India

Limits To Kerala Model Of Development

Semester IV

Peasant State and Society in Medieval South India

A Social History of the Deccan 1300-1761

The Mughals of India

State and Culture in Medieval India

The Making of Early Medieval India

The Rashtrakutas and their Times

South Indian Society in Transition

A History of South India

Civilization Past and Present

A people's history of the world

Man Makes Himself

What Happened in History

World Civilization

The Civilization of the West

A Global History

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Passages from Antiquity to feudalism

A short history of the middle ages

The venture of Islam

The venture of Islam

The Spirit of islam

A history of Chinese Civilization

A History of China

The transition from Feudalism to capitalism

The Origins of modern science

Semester V

Modern India

From Plassey to Partition

Modern India 1885 - 1947

A History of Modern India

A Concise History of Modern India

The Rise and growth of economic nationalism in India

Social background of Indian Nationalism

Socio-Religious reform movements in british India

Rammohun Roy and the process of modernization in India

Culture, Ideology, Hegemony: Intellectuals and Social Consciousness in colonial India 

India's Struggle for independence

Moden India

The swadeshi movement in Bengal

Gandhi's rise to power: Indian Politics 1915-1922

Gandhi: an autobiography the story of my experiments with truth

Moden India

The Construction of communalism in colonial north India

Peasant struggles in India

Gandhi and the Quit India Movement

Freedom at midnight

Making sense of world history

The unbound prometheus.

Civilization and Capitalism

The printing press as an agent of change

The Age of revolution 

The century of revolution

A Concise history of modern Europe

The Making of the west

The foundations of early modern Europe, 1460-1559

Lineages of the Absolutist State

Studies in the development of capitalism

Nations and Nationalism since 1780

The Birth of the modern world 1780-1914

The Historian's craft

What is history

In defence of history

The Pursuit of history

The Idea of History

Mediaeval history

The Myth of the framework

The secret of world history

The making of the English working class

Toynbee and History

Historians of India, Pakistan and Ceykon

The Annales School : an intellectual history

The Cheese and the worms

History: the last things before the last

The postmodern history reader

Writing Social History

Ecological Imperialism

Exploring  big historical data

Semester VI

Nehru: the making of India

The politics of India  since independence

India after Gandhi

India's Silent Revolution

Economic and Human Development in contemporary India

Social Movements in India

Caste Matters

Jawaharlal Nehru

The rise and growth of the Non-Aligned

Caste: Its twentieth century avatar

Industry and Empire

Europe Since Napoleon

A History of Europe

A Concise History of Modern Europe

Age of Extremes

1914-1918 The History of the first world war

The Origins of the second world war

The Cold Wae and its Origins

A History of the 20th Century 

The Global Environmental Movement

The End of History and the last man

Mastering Modern European History

A History of the 20th Century 

The Global Environmental Movement

BA History

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