Shaowei Wang 


Assistant professor 

Department of Computer Science University of Manitoba

Email   Google Scholar

I lead the Software Management, Maintenance, and Reliability Lab (Mamba), University of Manitoba (UM). Before joining  UM, I was an assistant professor at Mississippi State University. 

My research focuses on: software engineering, security, and machine learning. My goal is to build fundamental knowledge and algorithms to improve developers' productivity (e.g., code generation/recommendation, bug fixing) and ensure software quality (e.g., vulnerability detection and bug localization) effectively and efficiently. My research interests cover:

I am looking for self-motivated Phd students

More details see here


[7/2024][paper] Our paper "SimClone: Detecting Tabular Data Clones using Value Similarity" was accepted by TOSEM. Congratulations, Xu and co-authors!

[4/2024][paper] Our paper "Studying and Recommending Information Highlighting in Stack Overflow Answers" was accepted by IST. Congratulations, Shahla and co-authors!

[4/2024][paper] Our paper "Towards Better Graph Neural Neural Network-based Fault Localization Through Enhanced Code Representation." was accepted by FSE 2024. Congratulations, Nakhla  and co-authors!

[1/2024][paper] Our paper "Multi-Language Software Development: Issues, Challenges, and Solutions " was accepted by TSE. Congrats, Haoran and Haipeng. 

[1/2024] [paper] Our paper "On the Executability of R Markdown Files" has been accepted in MSR 2024. Congrats Anaytul and Muhammad. 

[12/2023] [paper] Our paper "LLMParser: An Exploratory Study on Using Large Language Models for Log Parsing " has been accepted in ICSE 2024. Congrats Zeyang  and co-authors. 

[12/2023] [Service] I am happy to serve on the program committee of  Research track, ASE 2024. Please consider submitting!

[9/2023] Congratulations to Ashraf and Shahla for successfully defending their thesis and graduating 🎉

[6/2023][Paper] Congrate Tianlei and co-authors for getting his paper "Study the Correlation Between the readme File of GitHub Projects and Their Popularity " accepted at the Journal of Systems & Software (JSS). 

[6/2023] [Service] I am happy to announce that I will serve on the program committee of research track of FSE 2024. Consider to submit!

[5/2023] [Service] I am happy to serve on the program committee of  Research and NIER track, ASE 2023. Please consider to submit!

[6/2023] [Service] I am happy to announce that I will serve on the program committee of ICSME 2023, Rose Festival and Artifacts  and Registered Reports Track. Consider to submit!

[12/2022][Paper] Two papers get accepted at ICSE 2023. "Demystifying Issues, Challenges, and Solutions for Multilingual Software Development" and "Does data sampling improve deep learning-based vulnerability  detection? Yeas! and Nays!". Congratulations, co-authors. 

[11/2022][Paper] Our paper "An Empirical Study of Text-based Machine Learning Models for Vulnerability Detection" accepted at EMSE. Congratulations, Kollin and Tanmay. 

[11/2022][Paper] Our paper "T-Evos: A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study on CI Test Execution and Coverage Evolution. " accepted at TSE. Congratulations, Anran and Peter!

[10/2022] [Award] Our paper "An Empirical Study of Bugs in Machine Learning Systems"  received the Test of Time award  at ISSRE 2022.  Congratulations, Ferdian, David, and Lingxiao!

[8/2022][Paper] Our paper "An empirical study on the challenges that developers encounter when developing Apache Spark applications. " accepted at Journal of Systems and Software (JSS). Congratulations, Zehao and co-authors!

[7/2022][Paper] Our paper "A First Look at Information Highlighting in Stack Overflow Answers" was accepted at ICSME 2022, NIER track. Congraulations, Shahla! 

[6/2022][Service] I am happy to announce that I will serve on the program committee of research track of SANER 2023. Consider to submit!

[6/2022][Paper]  Our paper  "Real World Projects, Real Faults: Evaluating Spectrum Based Fault Localization Techniques on Python Projects"  has been accepted in EMSE.