
Current students


Perspective Student

General information about admission and funding

The general information about our graduate program (including admission, funding, etc) is available here. The information about tuition/fee is available from the Registrar's Office here. For the thesis-based program (MSc or PhD), you will need to find a supervisor before you can be admitted. This is different from some other schools where you can be admitted without a supervisor. Here at UManitoba, excellent incoming students can expect to receive funding from various sources (fellowship, research assistantship, teaching assistantship), see here for information. The funding decision is separate from admission and is decided on an individual basis. Please note that the application deadlines for many funding opportunities are significantly earlier than the admission (this is particularly true for many fundings that international students are eligible for). I strongly encourage you to plan your application as early as possible, and apply for all eligible fundings. To ensure sufficent time for both, I strongly suggest prospective students to plan their applications as early as possible. For example, if you are applying for admission starting Fall 2021 (as an international student), ideally you should contact me before November 2020 and submit your complete application to FGS before December 15, 2020 (after this date, you may not receive full consideration for scholarships). I will also provide RAship if you receive an award less than the UMGF amount (e.g. CS entrance award) or do not receive any award.

For prospective students (PhD or thesis-based MSc) interested in working with me

I am always looking for self-motivated students interested in Software Engineering and Data Mining. Interest/enthusiasm in research and good technical background (programming and CS) are required. To help me know more about your background, please send me the following items via email (PDF or plain text, or URL to a website containing these items).

Please put "GradApp" somewhere in the subject of your email, e.g. Subject:  GradApp: graduate research position in Software Engineering. This tells me that you have read this page. If you have followed these instructions and your email contains all the information requested above, rest assured that I will read your email. However, due to the large number of requests, I cannot respond to all of them. If I am interested in your application, I will reply within a week and start the conversation (and request more information from you if necessary). If you do not hear from me for more than one week, it means that I do not have a position for you -- in this case, please do not send me repeated emails, unless your profile has significantly improved, e.g. you get a new publication in a good venue. 

The application process can be summarized as follows:

For undergraduate students outside of Canada

If you are from certain countries, you might consider applying through the MITACS Globalink Internship program, which funds you for an internship at a Canadian university in the summer. Typically you should apply in September of your 3rd year. I usually have 1-2 projects under the MITACS Globalink program every year. You can search for these projects and apply directly from the MITACS Globalink website. MITACS has its own screening and matching process, you do not need to contact me before applying.