charity songs

charity songs

In 2020, I was deeply concerned about the death of George Floyd, who was murdered by three American policemen. After attending and speaking up at Cardiff's Black Lives Matter protests, I still felt more needed to be done. This led me to writing and recording the song 'I can't sing (I can't breathe)' with a simple aim: to send all profits to Black Lives Matter.

"I hardly ever write such epic songs. I don't even know whether this song is about the political situation in Poland, especially of those underprivileged: minorities, queer and women; or if it's about realizing it's time to cut off from a toxic friend/workplace/relationship; or if it's about my never changing place in music 'industry'; or if it's a take on understanding how black and brown people feel. "

Also in 2020, due to the pandemic and irresponsible actions of the Polish conservative government, Polish Healthcare was facing huge crisis, with not enough doctors and nurses and not enough money and resources to facilitate people in need and provide help to the ill and those affected by COVID-19. Polish rapper Solar initiated a fundraiser under the name #Hot16Challenge2 , raising money to support Polish Healthcare key workers. The task was to record a 16-verse in the 72 hours from being nominated, and nominate other artists, to spread the word and raise at least 16 000 PLN. Eventually, the fundraiser raised 3 681 884,89 PLN.

"Hi, I am Małgola - not even a rapper20 follows on Facebook, I ain't looking no dapperthe secret agent of slackers? There's no slackers in Poland'cause everybody's too stressed up about their emptying wallets, yoThe government's defrosting franchise, restaurants, chain stores - in this orderleaving local buisnesses and artistic venues owners stiffer and colderSo you're an artist, cripple, vegan, dark-skinned, woman, queer or gay?You'd better sit quiet, because in this country you don't have a sayJust like poor Syrian refugees you'll never reach the shorewhile the river of unprivileged flows on and onIt's both a mental Sahara and ecology disaster,there's nothing here, no care, no scene (sorry, can't rap any faster)Everything is just goneSo said the man a long time ago!there's no journalism, there's no clever critics, no politics, no musicians, no fansold and useless patriarchy's holding on to high placeNepotism is alive and kicking - right or wrong?Check out family conotations of Katy Perry or Maya Hawke.Sometimes I just feel like screaming, but guess I'll remain lowHow and why should I fight for something that's gone? "
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