
Ongoing project

2023.06-2026.05 [한국연구재단] 청년층 정신건강과 자살위기의 원인과 회복가능성: 생애과정, 젠더관점에서의 지역지표구축 및 지역-미시 연계분석

Selected Publications

Song, Kyungeun, Min-Ah Lee and Jinho Kim. 2024. "Double Jeopardy: Exploring the Moderating Effect of Educational Mismatch in the Relationship between Work-family Conflict and Depressive Symptoms among Korean Working Women." Social Science & Medicine. 340: 116501.

Lee, Min-Ah, Hanso Ryu and Giyeon Kim. 2024. "Is Living Alone Beneficial to Older Adults during the COVID-19 pandemic? Examining Associations between Living Arrangements and Life Satisfaction by Gender in Korea." Aging & Mental Health.  28(1): 121-129.

Lee, Min-Ah and Jeong-han Kang. 2023. "Does Having Children Matter? Associations between Transitions in Work-family Role Combinations and Depressive Symptoms among Married Women in Korea." SSM-Population Health. 22. 101405. 

Lee, Min-Ah and Rira Song. 2022. “I Am Not Supposed to Be Treated Like This: Associations Between Age Discrimination, Perceived Social Respect for Older Adults, and Depressive Symptoms in Korean Older Adults.” The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences. 77(12): 2276-2285.

Lee, Min-Ah, Kenneth F. Ferraro, and Giyeon Kim. 2021. Digital Technology Use and Depressive Symptoms among Older Adults in Korea: Beneficial for Those Who Have Fewer Social Interactions?Aging & Mental Health. 25(10): 1839-1847.

Lee, Min-Ah, Cholkyun Shin, and Jeong-han Kang. 2021. “How the Popularity of Bullies Influences the Self-esteem of Their Classmate: A Study of First-year Middle School Students in South Korea.” Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 36(19-20): 9535-9556.

Kim, Giyeon and Min-Ah Lee. 2020. “Age Discrimination and Suicidal Ideation among Korean Older Adults.” American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 28(7): 748-754.

Lee, Min-Ah and Ichiro Kawachi. 2019. “Perceived Unfairness and Psychological Distress: Less Harmful as Age Increases?Social Justice Research. 32(1): 1-25.

Lee, Min-Ah. 2019. “Volunteering and Happiness: Examining the Differential Effects of Volunteering Types according to Household Income.” Journal of Happiness Studies. 20(3): 795-814.

Lee, Min-Ah and Ichiro Kawachi. 2019. “The Keys to Happiness: Associations between Personal Values regarding Core Life Domains and Happiness in South Korea.” PLOS ONE. 14(1): e0209821.

Lee, Min-Ah and Ichiro Kawachi. 2017. “The Company You Keep: Is Socializing with Higher-status People Bad for Mental Health?Sociology of Health & Illness, 39(7): 1206-1226.

Lee, Min-Ah and Rira Song. 2017. “Childhood Abuse, Personality Traits, and Depressive Symptoms in Adulthood.” Child Abuse & Neglect. 65: 194-203

Kang, Jeong-han, Jibum Kim and Min-Ah Lee. 2016. “Marital Status and Mortality: Does Family Structure in Childhood Matter?Social Science & Medicine. 159: 152-160.

Lee, Min-Ah. 2016. “Social Relationships, Depressive Symptoms, and Suicidality in Korea: Examining Mediating and Moderating Effects in Men and Women.” International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 62(1): 67-75.

Lee, Min-Ah. 2015. “Emotional Abuse in Childhood and Suicidality: The Mediating Roles of Re-victimization and Depressive Symptoms in Adulthood.” Child Abuse & Neglect. 44: 130-139.

Lee, Min-Ah, Seokho Kim, and Eun-Jung Shim. 2013. “Exposure to Suicide and Suicidality in Korea: Differential Effects across Men and Women.” International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 59(3): 224-231.

Lee, Min-Ah. 2011. “Disparity in disability between native-born non-Hispanic white and foreign-born Asian older adults in the United States: Effects of educational attainment and age at immigration.” Social Science & Medicine 72:1249-1257.

Lee, Min-Ah. 2009. “Neighborhood Residential Segregation and Mental Health: A Multilevel Analysis on Hispanic Americans in Chicago.” Social Science & Medicine. 68:1975-1984.

Lee, Min-Ah and Kenneth F. Ferraro. 2009. “Perceived Discrimination and Health among Puerto Rican and Mexican Americans:  Buffering Effect of the Lazo Matrimonial?Social Science & Medicine. 68:1966-1974.

Lee, Min-Ah and Deborah Carr. 2007. “Does the Context of Spousal Loss Affect the Physical Functioning of Older Widowed Persons? A Longitudinal AnalysisResearch on Aging. 29(5):457-487.

Lee, Min-Ah and Kenneth F. Ferraro. 2007. “Neighborhood Residential Segregation and Physical Health among Hispanic Americans: Good, Bad, or Benign?Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 48:131-148.