Min-Ah Lee

Photo by PRAN

I am a Professor in the Department of Sociology at Chung-Ang University. I earned my Ph.D in Sociology and MS in Statistics from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. US, and also worked as a postdoctoral research associate in the Department of Development Sociology at Cornell University. My research interests include the sociology of mental health and emotion, health inequality, aging & the life course, relationships & wellbeing, and gender inequality. My research has been published in Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, Social Science & Medicine, Aging & Mental Health, Sociology of Health & Illness, and others. One of my recent research topics is the gap between individual perception/expectation and reality/experiences, and its impact on mental health and emotion. I mainly use quantitative research methods, but have also conducted qualitative research.

Email: malee@cau.ac.kr

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