Meet the MaLaMoBi Team


Department of  Biology

Ball State University

Areas of Research: Biomechanics, Functional Morphology, Evolution

Role: Principal Investigator

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Purdue University Fort Wayne

Areas of Research: Machine Learning, Applied Mathematics

Role: Principal Investigator

Faculty Team

Coming Soon!

Student Team

Derek Brown

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Purdue University Fort Wayne

Areas of Research: Statistics on Manifolds and Generalization

Role: Graduate Research Assistant - Spring 2023

Rishikesh Fulari

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Purdue University Fort Wayne

Areas of Research: Deep Learning for Animal Locomotion

Role: Graduate Research Assistant - Spring 2023

Aman Bajpayee

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Purdue University Fort Wayne

Areas of Research: Deep Learning for Animal Locomotion

Role: Graduate Research Assistant - Spring 2023

Kisal Wijesooriya

Department of Mathematics

Purdue University

Areas of Research: Neuromechanical Models of Animal Locomotion

Role: Undergraduate Research Assistant - Summer 2023 (ongoing)

Duncan Andrews

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Pennsylvania State University

Areas of Research: Shape & Locomotion in Animals and Robots

Role: Undergraduate Research Assistant - Fall 2023 (ongoing)

Coming Soon!

Interested Fellows

University of Calgary
Blue Marble Space Institute of Science
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Kyoto University
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle
Warwick Medical School
Brown University
Ohio University
Cibio-inbio University of Porto
Universidade Federal do Paraná
MotherHood University Roorkee Haridwar
University of Alberta
Monash University
Northwestern University
University of Washington
University of Florida
University of Cambridge
Cambridge University
City University of Hong Kong
George Mason University
Northwestern University
Indiana University School of Medicine
University of Akron
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
University of Akron
University of Wahsington
University of Missouri School of Medicine
Cabrini University
Georgia Tech
UW Madison
Purdue University
Institute for Integrative Systems Biology
University of Amsterdam
Queen Mary University of London
University of Copenhagen
EY Germany
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Federal University of Technology Minna
Complutense University of Madrid
University of Ibadan
Federal University of Agriculture (J.S Tarka university), Makurdi, Nigeria
Gran Sasso Science Institute

Coming Soon!


If you want to JOIN US, please reach out to us with the form HERE.