Touch Synth

Touch Synth

Touch Synth is a multi-functioning keyboard using capacitive touch sensors as the keys.

It utilizes two Arduino Unos working together to help everything operate synchronously, alongside with a touch capacitive and SD Card Reader breakouts.

It will feature both an audio and visual output with the use of an external speaker and an LED Matrix.

It will have three modes which it will operate in, Tune Generator, Drum Kit, and an Arpeggio, but is reprogrammable for an infinite amount of modes.


1. Keyboard/Tune Generator – When activating the capacitive touch, the Arduino then plays a certain tune or frequency, each at a different pitch from the others.

2. Drum Kit – When activating the capacitive touch, the Arduino then utilizes a .wav file to be played, imitating sounds to make a drum.

3. Arpeggio - When activating the capacitive touch, the Arduino then plays a repetitive cycle through the harmonic chord continuously.


Parts List

  • Arduino Uno (x2)
  • Key Capacitive Touch Sensor Breakout
  • MicroSD Card Adapter Breakout
  • MicroSD Card
  • RBG Matrix Shield for Arduino
  • 16x32 RGB LED Matrix

  • Power Supply
  • Push Button
  • Test Speaker
  • Audio Jack (Aux)
  • Resistor
  • Wires
  • Bread Board

The cost to build was roughly the same that we had spent.
