Line Driver

Line Driver

The Line Driver is an Arduino-controlled car that reacts to a user created line. It uses IR sensors to detect and follow the line, which can either be drawn or printed by the user. It also has an RGB sensor that will enable the car to detect and react to different colored segments of the line. Along with the car will be a desktop application, which using a series of predefined code-word blocks, allows the user to easily create and interface with the code. For example, the user can create a code that would make the car speed up whenever the color red is detected from the RGB sensor. After the user creates the code, the application will translate the predefined code-word blocks that were used into a real programming language, which can then be flashed to the Arduino.

The Bot

Line Driver is an autonomous robot that follows a drawn line. It incorporates an RGB sensor so that when it sees a Red, Green, or Blue line, it can perform a number of actions. The twin IR sensors are also shown on both sides of the RGB sensor.

How it Works

The App

This robot will be totally controlled by the kids at MakerKids. It utilizes mBlock, an Arduino-compatible version of Scratch, to incorporate a drag and drop style of coding the robot. We provide custom blocks that handle all of the heavy-lifting, so the kids can design a course for the robot to drive on and learn how to code in a high-level block design.

Download our mBlock Extension Here:

Download our How-To Guide Here:

Line Driver How-To Guide.pdf

Photos of Line Driver

Video of Line Driver

Most of the parts required to make a Line Driver are only available in bulk, so making more than one can lower the cost to build significantly.

The total price spent on research and development went into finding and testing parts that efficiently use chassis space while maintaining compatibility and functionality.