Tips to Prepare for General/Financial Awareness Section of IBPS Clerk Mains Exam

General/Financial Awareness is one of the sections of IBPS CLERK Mains Exam. It is a very scoring section if one prepares it proficiently. It comprises of 50 MCQs carrying one mark each to be attempted in 35 minutes. It is highly recommended to prepare all the sections of IBPS Clerk Mains exam as this phase is an outcome of your hard work and dedication.

Let us discuss the tips to prepare for General/Financial Awareness Section of IBPS Clerk Mains Exam as it is scoring comprising of direct questions which can be easily answered correctly if the preparation is adequately done.

Tips To Prepare For General/Financial Awareness Section Of IBPS Clerk Mains Exam

• Concentrate on current affairs, world economic, political and business news. It can be easily covered or learned by following the leading news channels. Make notes of the latest news in a separate note book and keep revising them till your exam date.

• Develop the habit of reading leading newspapers besides watching news channels. It will enhance your reading speed. It is an ultimate way for aspirants to improve their knowledge about current affairs. It is highly recommended to develop the habit of reading at least one newspaper daily.

• Before learning any of the current affairs it is better to make a research for information and facts that you have shortlisted for your IBPS CLERK exam preparations. It is better to research the information so that you learn the right facts and figures or you may answer wrong in the exam.

Follow competitive exam magazines as these are the readymade source of information, news, facts and figures with respect to the syllabus of the IBPS CLERK Mains Exam and other government job exams. Magazines are considered to be the best sources of generating knowledge about general awareness, authors and books, personalities and awards, country capitals and famous places, etc. IBPS Clerk Mains exam generally includes direct questions on these topics hence magazines gives the best study material on it.

Candidates should solve previous year’s question papers to know the important topics carrying maximum marks. It will help in making topic-wise time table to cover the topics which will help the aspirants to learn and concentrate on the important topics and enhance the chances of scoring high.

• Prefer to give special attention to the News of six to seven Months before the Exam Date. It has been observed that the generally significant news of six to seven months old are asked in the exam. Therefore, concentrate more on that news while preparing for this section.

Hope you will follow these tips to ace the Upcoming IBPS Clerk Mains Exam.

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