How to Start Exam Preparation for SBI PO 2020 Exam?

Bank exams are most preferred by the government job aspirants and SBI PO is one such exam which is the DREAM JOB of millions. State bank of India being one of the largest banks of India and has always been on cards by the bank aspirants to grab one post in it. Every year SBI conducts various exams such as SBI PO, SBI CLERK, etc., to recruit personnel for its various branches. SBI PO 2020 notification is going to be announced anytime in the Month of April 2020 as per the Annual Exam Calendar published by SBI. The SBI PO 2020 preliminary exam is scheduled for the month of July 2020 and mains in August 2020.

Aspirants who are eagerly waiting for SBI PO exam should pull up their socks and kick start their exam preparation for both the phases’ i.e for Prelims and Mains. The syllabus is very vast and the exam pattern is subject to last minute changes unexpectedly as experienced in last few years. The first and foremost step is to analyze the recent years question papers to understand the current exam pattern followed. Shortlist the important topics and make a list of them.

After doing the needful, make a systematic study plan to study the entire syllabus. Buy the best exam material for SBI PO EXAM and study each topic thoroughly. Join online video course for SBI PO or join SBI PO COACHING INSTITUTE and take regular classes. Do not miss any of the classes or else you will not be able to understand the topics well.

Try to cover the entire syllabus before July 2020 so that you can practice online test series of SBI PO 2020 EXAM. Plan your studies in such a way so that you get enough time to practice mock tests to have a real time experience of SBI PO EXAM 2020. Practice is an ultimate key to success as it guides to improve further by highlighting your weaknesses. You can revise the weak topics well in advance and make them your strengths if you start your practice early.

Do not forget to study for Mains 2020 exam simultaneously because you will hardly get time after SBI PO Prelims results 2020. SBI PO Mains 2020 is scheduled within a month’s duration after the results. You can only revise in that period as the syllabus is vast and paper is lengthy for mains. It needs more practice and accuracy than Prelims.

Work hard and smart to qualify SBI PO EXAM 2020 and grab the most prestigious career option of your lifetime!!!

All the best!!

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