The UnConstitutional
Lawyer Monopoly—Root
Cause of All US Domestic
Problems: George Floyd —
KILLED by corrupt MPLS judge-
lawyer gang—Kingpin,
Kevin Burke:Simpleton "judge"
***THANK YOU note, and Next Steps***
"It's the Economy & math-flunking lawyers,
stupid." The "rule of law" is a myth/scam.
SOLUTION: Article3 gives Congress FULL
Authority to REGULATE the Obsolete
Lower Federal Courts—failed by 1820. So-
called "conservative" Congress-lawyers
now bemoan corrupt NY judges (& they
are part of endemic court corruption), but
where were these "conservatives" during
decades of court corruption since the (cont)↓
•You want to be treated like a SUCKER with simpleton slogans? Vote for Klobuchar or the other ones. You want analysis
& Specific Solutions? You're gonna have to read a bit & think a lot. John's plane crash info is here, Click
TXitter Feed works on Chrome MacOs—Not FFox-Mac or PC, Not mobile. Need to figure out what's wrong
• Where were these "conservatives"
during decades of court corruption
since the 1983 Feldman BOTCH? The
BOTCH is the root cause of George
Floyd, & the 55-page UnConstitutional
DJT-ocean of jury instructions—of
out-of-control State-court judges.
Federal judges statistically are a little
better, but not by much. Minneapolis
judges Donovan Frank, David Dody
(who hangs around waiting for his
"oldest federal judge" record), David
Schultz are objectively-provably
incompetent and/or corrupt. Kevin the
Hennepin Menace, the simpleton-
fraud "judge" is in a class by himself.
Burke was the canary in the coal
mine,alerting me to bizarre goings-on
in Hennepin. Six wks before Mr.
Floyd, I wrote to the Minnesota Sup Ct
that there was a "military regime" in
Hennepin—run by Dicktator Burke
who gets whatever he wants from MN.
• Where were these "conservatives" during decades of court corruption since
the 1983 Feldman BOTCH? The BOTCH is the root cause of George Floyd, & the
55-page UnConstitutional DJT-ocean of jury instructions—of out-of-control
State-court judges. Federal judges statistically are a little better, but not by
much. Minneapolis judges Donovan Frank, David Dody (who hangs around
waiting for his "oldest federal judge" record), David Schultz are objectively-
provably incompetent and/or corrupt. Kevin the Hennepin Menace, the
simpleton-fraud "judge" is in a class by himself. Burke was the canary in the
coal mine,alerting me to bizarre goings-on in Hennepin. Six wks before Mr.
Floyd, I wrote the Minnesota Sup Ct that there was a "military regime" in
Hennepin—run by Dicktator Burke who gets whatever he wants from MN.
• We physics-math-EE kids tore apart lawn mowers to fix or make go-karts.
Actual real-world problem-solvers dissect/simplify—want to understand
how stuff works, & build things. Lawyers inflate w/mumbo-jumbo & get it
WRONG. Lawyers haven't changed their own oil in decades, if ever. Judges'
"opinions" show their disconnect from the real world.
• Congress can pass all the Crime, Border, Budget-Debt-Econ-blah-blah bills
it wants, but if judges are incompetent/corrupt, it doesn't matter. Read the
3rd paragraph of Article3: "Supreme Court..appellate jurisdiction..under
such REGULATIONS as the Congress shall make." Congress has jurisdiction—
that's FULL AUTHORITY— to REGULATE the lower federal courts. Lawyers
don't want you to know about that word REGULATION. The "independence
of the judiciary" is a scam. Lower federal courts can/must be fully regulated.
•Root Cause of ALL US DOMESTIC PROBLEMS: Levers of power are
controlled by lawyers—directly or by their lackeys. Congress & Executive,
virtually 100%. Courts 100%. The problem is the lawyers.
• The UnConstitutional lawyer-mob has privileges in federal courts—the
supposed vindicators of our rights—which we, the unwashed masses, don't
have. This is the most basic & obvious Equal-Protection violation.
• The ABA—an AGENCY of the Dept of Education—is the SOLE accreditor of
law schools for student loans. The ABA promulgates Rule 8.2:"lawyers
can't say bad stuff about judges," "chilling" 1st Amendment protected
speech. The Govt-AGENCY ABA suppresses free speech.
• Congress-lawyers are there bcuz the lawyer monopoly gave them access
to money & contacts. They won't REGULATE courts & bite the corrupt hand
that feeds them money & power. Keep electing lawyers & their lackeys, and
you'll get more of the same disasters we have now.
•George Floyd was killed by judges gone wild—uncontrolled by the
Constitution—giving the Anything Goes signal to the Hennepin protection
racket of extortionist lawyers & bad cops. I saw this in the months before
responders. I am NOT "anti-cop." I was also falsely-arrested by corrupt cops.
I saw the cause-effect: corrupt courts 👉 bad cops. I rang the alarm in Hennepin.
•What today's FAKE liberals—open to all ideas except debating proofs that
they're wrong—don't understand about DJT is that, from Day1, he attacked
the judge-lawyer monopoly-mob—that killed George Floyd. Oh yes it did. Was he
fair in his (initial) attacks? Almost certainly not totally fair. But he attacked the
"sacrosanct" courts and their pompous, math-flunking judges. No institution (or
person) is sacrosanct under the Constitution—with the probable exception of
those in Arlington and other military cemeteries. No one has attacked the courts
and gotten any mileage on it because the media are bedfellows—fellow
wordpushers—with the lawyers. They are bamboozled by the Accordingly-
Moreover-Indeed jargonistic patter that intimidates people into thinking it's
correct when, more often than not (in lower courts), it's βuλλΣh⍳τ. And also too
often in supreme courts, federal and state. Lower courts either don't understand
what supreme courts write or they give them the unaccountable middle finger.
•What today's misguided conservatives—including Congress-lawyers
—don't understand is that the lawyer-monopoly-mob made the 1983 Feldman
BOTCH that negated the 14th Am. restrictions on State govts, which were the
result of the Civil War. The BOTCH negated the blood spilled in that war & others.
•CONGRESS has FULL Article3 Authority to REGULATE lower federal courts.
This is not some immense job. About a half-dozen Boolean laws could prevent ~half the
inefficiency & garbage in the courts. Another half-dozen could prevent a total of ~80%.
I will show this with statistics.
•You want to be treated like a SUCKER with simpleton slogans? Vote for
the other guys. You want analysis & Specific Solutions? You're gonna have to
read a bit & think a lot. You want more of the past 18 years of Klobuchar,
printing debt-fueled "programs" that will ultimately put families on the street?
Be my guest—sorry to sound harsh.
•The harsh reality is that WW3 began with the Ukraine invasion. The same
technology that put 5000x the compute power of a Year 2000 supercomputer in
your cellphone, also brought drones into war, and has made possible Russia's
Kanyon NUKE-payload torpedo that's unstoppable & untrackable, and is fully-
able to transform US coastal cites into Glow-cean Front property with 100K+
dead very quickly and more following; and a Cobalt-60 wasteland where, for
example, Miami or Tampa-St-Pete were, Matt Gaetz. Google: Kanyon torpedo.
•There is no defense against a Kanyon-style NUKE other than NATO's Article5
deterrent. Regardless of what you think about Ukraine & NATO, NATO calls the
shots. If NATO thinks that Ukraine is necessary to Euro-security, we have to
play ball. You may not want to believe that, but Europe has the largest
geographic-extent of scientific brains per sq-mile on the planet. The Manhattan
Proj was begun by Hungarian & German physicists with Fermi, and prob others
whom I'm unintentionally forgetting. We have tons of US smarts, for sure—
including legally-immigrated, US-naturalized brains drawn to our universities—
but we're very big geographically, so we have that geographic security (with the
exception of the Rio Grande problem). We also have millions of farm and go-kart
kids with smarts and fix-it know-how learned on dirt tracks in our wide-open
spaces, who are whizzes on battlefields & keeping naval vessels ship-shape.
•We want one team of US & Euro brains & fix-it folks working against flagrant
invasions with beastly slaughters; and we don't EVER again want to be on the
other side from those Euro brains. We NEED to be SOLID with NATO.
• makes this is a different ball game. We are VERY vulnerable to
getting NUKED by sea & hurt by other small "form factor" devices. Musk is very
brilliant, but he's WRONG if he thinks we don't need NATO (and he should ditch
to NATO & other friendly countries if we're NUKED. The hope is that with
NATO's brains, tech, and mil "intelligence" — and a SOLID Article5 threat — we
can wait for some sanity-change in Moscow; but there's also China—and proxies,
of course. And I repeat what I've said many times: never EVER underestimate the
•We geeks in chess and math club and math team played games of
strategy, while the lawyer-types were in student council. Strategic positioning
changes, so you need to pay attention. This is not the same chess board as it was
20 years ago. The Iphone & Android sys were released in 2007. That event—
together with the always-exponential increase in compute power—put EZ-
detonators in terrorist hands, literally, as well as full ocean-floor maps on a
cellphone, with which a NUKE torpedo can know where it is at 3000' and never
come up until Miami Beach. To repeat: it's a different ballgame.
•The "manufacturing sector" has been about 12% of the economy for 70 years,
according to NIST-Nat Standards Inst. "Financial services"is at least twice that
presently, and it has been growing in recent decades, I'm sure you've noticed.
She wasn't Rosie the Real Estate Agent. She was a riveter, if you recall. There are
many excellent community colleges and adult schools that teach machining,
welding, airframe/powerplant, & more. Worth checking 'em out. I've got credits.
The dirty BIG secret that the lawyers in the Senate & House don't tell their lackeys (the vast majority of their "colleagues") is that Article III, Paragraph 3 gives "the Supreme Court...appellate Jurisdiction" over the LOWER FEDERAL COURTS "with such ... REGULATIONS as the Congress shall make." The so-called "independence of the judiciary's" lower federal courts is a MYTH. Congress has full authority to REGULATE them, and this REGULATION must be done in 100% detail.
The media are fellow travelers with the lawyers in the word-pushing business. They keep court corruption — which is RAMPANT — off the public's radar.
The "bullet"points above are the core of this anti-corruption project, punctuated with Congressional campaigns — and maybe one State legislature campaign. These "bullet" points are the ONLY bullets that should be used to fix the root cause of every major domestic problem we have. No firearm bullets or other violence should be perpetrated or suggested. Beside being illeeegal-style-like, it is not necessary if you have REAL FIGHTERS with REAL SOLUTIONS in Congress; and NOT the same old lawyer-babble. PLUS, a Mid-America Congressional Center will enable the Heartland States to travel to Congress within a day's drive, so they can petition PEACEFULLY (with comparatively-easy parking).
It makes sense. It has to. It's engineering.
Next, I want to reemphasize what I wrote in Sept 2020: “Amendment2: I want to preface this, in light of the murder of the federal judge's son and wounding of her husband and every aspect of that attack. There is no corner of any dimension of the multiverse where you can find any suggestion by me that this is not totally awful. It should be obvious that I have a LOT of issues with many judges and I believe they should not be judges, BUT violence against them is not only awful; it won't solve any issues about courts, and it will make them worse. That's not just a trite-sounding line."
Twitter Feed 2-finger up-gesture → scroll downward
Twit4/26 Biden:The Default Dem Candidate For the Debt Default
(who in his/her right mind would want to be at the head of a crashing train?)—As I've been saying for some time, I believe there will be capital controls to try to contain prices: e.g. odd/even license-plate days for gas (as there were in the 70s); you can't spend your money as you want bc it's not your money. And no, Bitcoin & other crypto instruments (as they are now) are not the solution but enablers of further problems.
As I've said, I hope Greenspan stays healthy, so he sees the full consequences of the Greenspan Socialist Transform that came out of its cave on 10/15/98 in the final hour of stock market trading.
Blockchain is a positively-brilliant, economic, computer simulation with a construct of a (potential) currency under particular conditions, but it's too late for bitcoin. (Gold didn't form with a zillion ounces in the pockets of early adopters; it formed in neutron stars—where Bugs was hiding from Yosemite Sam, and Sam had to really work to find Bugs and the gold.)
Each block in the chain is like a Mousetrap board (a big Christmas '67 hit) where the particular placements, twists, turns of the pieces depend on where the previous-block's cage came down AND on the transaction added to the chain AND on a random number. So the cage comes down in random places on the board over and over as "mining" computers repeatedly try random numbers to start the simulation and find a solution for that block.
For a successful mining solution of a new block that then gets added to the chain, the cage must come down within a particular, defined "golden" area of the board. If your cage comes down there, you've struck "digital gold," but it's math & a simulation and has no real-world connection to real gold mining. That golden area keeps shrinking as blocks are added to the chain. So it becomes harder over time to find a solution; it takes more computation (and electricity). Because it's math, the block-creation process can go on forever even though the area keeps shrinking (the position of the cage can be as precise as you want with math), but the probability of success is also controlled by math.
It's without-question ingenious mathematically and economically. It also highlights the difference between real-world people (hard-science, hardware, machinist, natural-resource explorers—those who cannot patch errors with software or words) and software people (who are freakin brilliant but have their particular delusions, as does everyone to an extent) and wordpushers, especially lawyers, who are the most-deluded.
DONATE! A little is great!
Get Rid Of The Fokken Lawyers: GROTFL Legislation.
Berman, an Engineer for Senate
Make America Geeky Again!
Failed Law Schools (no surprise) "ACCREDITED" by the ABA—an AGENCY of the 90%+ UnConstitutional Dept of Education. My Letter to Ted "EZ-Chair" Cruz:
I've given these law reviews much more than a fair shot at correcting 40 years of the lawyer-monopoly-mob's crippling of our Bill of Rights (and gutting due process and property rights) with the 1983 Feldman decision. Naturally, I got the expected response: boilerplate turndowns (same as Petition DENIED), but silence so far from Texas at Austin—not that anything out of law schools is significant. After all, they can't admit that, over 40 years, none of the "legal scholars" and "widely respected jurists" can see what a 5th grade class can see. READ MORE
It is essential that the US hold together for at least 5 (and probably 10) years to counter the principal Russia-China threat—WHICH IS NOW WW3. The FED may well be losing control of prices, now. Next up: Capital controls→odd/even-plate gas days, grocery,etc.
I don't believe the US will remain one country for more than 25 years. This is unfortunate, but I see it as inevitable. Sorry, it's the way I see it. (I could speculate on exactly how and in what sequence the US division(s) will occur, but that would be useless and stupid to do; and I do plenty of useless, stupid things, but not that.)
I believe the wound of slavery will not heal, and partly because of those who rub salt in the wound. However, it's possible the wound should never heal. I'm not qualified to say because obviously I don't know what it's like to be a slave (a grad-student comes close...naw just hugely kidding for a "joke" -- couldn't resist; I had the world's best advisors and researh group).
Nor do I know what it's like to have ancestors who were slaves. The US's dividing might ultimately be a good thing. I don't think so -- especially for, like, humanity and stuff. But anyone who has ever diagnosed and fixed any kind of hardware, knows that, on occasion, things turn out unexpectedly good when you thought things were headed for a really bad outcome. I'm just pointing out what every real-world problem solver has encountered at least once.
However, I am highly-certain that monopolies -- concentrations of power -- are THE problem. The two most powerful are the FED infinite-money-printing monopoly, and the ABA-lawyer-monopoly mob. The second one can be easily-fixed, and Congress has full authority to eradicate it. The first one is far more complicated.
⚫ "It was far from obvious that bubbles, even if identified early, could be preempted short of..inducing a substantial contraction in economic activity." Bullshit, Alan, and BS premise; your EZ-money bubble-gas went full-on with your 10/15/98 double-rate-cut jolt 15min before market close. You set the "gold standard" for market-manipulation; your successors followed. There can and MUST be a real-time calculated component (not entire control) of credit-creation ($$ "supply") & more. Read a Lil Physics LoopéLu* PID control loop, Alan-acolytes: mismatched markets/tax code.
⚫ American Bar Assoc Code of Silence: "A lawyer shall not make a statement that the lawyer knows to be false...concerning the qualifications or integrity of a judge." (Who decides? Other judges, of course.)
⚫ABA—the Govt "agency" accreditor of law schools—Confidential Complaint Procedure: "There is NO APPEAL of a conclusion...that a complaint does not raise issues under the Standards." NO ANONYMOUS complaints accepted. (Get the picture?)
We do NOT have free markets. Tell Growth-Club to shove it. We have highly-manipulated markets—not the standard euphemism, "managed" markets. The tax code assumes free markets and gives a cap-gains preferred rate for the absorbing risk over time. This mismatches the Greenspan Socialist Transform that falsely has "removed" risk (postponed it), and created the delusion of markets as a statistical debt instrument that pays some "average" rate if you hold it long enough. When the media bark their BS "bear market territory," the FED hews to the political howls⇒No capgain⇒No tax. Real markets go way down & stay down causing self-defenestration (elevated window-exit). Investors learn to take some profit with rising markets⇒capgain⇒tax. Le voilà.
*Little Latin Lupe Lu, for me,was Mitch Ryder, tho I just listened to the Righteous Bros, and it's great—specially hittin' the Wa-Watusi.
Putin: "We will seek to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine."
Hitler: "The Polish State has refused the peaceful settlement of relations which I desired, and has appealed to arms."
Hennepin County Burke: "I believe this case is frivolous."
Putin & Hitler at least gave reasons for their wars. Burke—simply, "I believe," which was "affirmed." Judges have warred against our Bill of Rights but are exempt (not really, but they do whateverTF they want) from having to give reasons. Retrotrogs. The1983 Feldman case began the rapid destruction of our Bill of Rights—Due Process & property rights fastest. The ABA must be de-certified as law school accreditor; the lawyer monopoly extinguished.
This campaign is about saving/restoring our rights from the destroyers—monopolies.
You DON'T need any more lawyers in Congress. You Need An Engineer (with engineered Titanium in him:)
Because It Really Is "Different This Time"
Middle American Morning: Time to End the Lawyer Monopoly, the Royal Class, the Math Incompetents; Get-Rid-Of-The-Fokken (It's Dutch!) Lawyers — GROTFL
About John: Engineer - electronic hardware design and test; MSEE Stanford/Ginzton Lab-applied physics; B.A. Oberlin College, physics, math. email: . John will not immediately reply to requests for comment, where "immediately" may be >1 year, especially in the case of the Chant Now Network.
Elect practical understanding. Get things fixed, for a change.
The final transmission by the pilot, recorded at 1933:17, was "I can hear you, sierra bravo, attempting to maintain altitude." At that point the airplane had descended to 6,800 ft msl and was 2 miles south-southeast of the crash site. At 1933:44, the final radar return was recorded about 1 mile south of the crash site at 300 ft above ground level (agl).
Analysis:Solution:Don't Quit
I didn't quit, and I won't quit on you!
John..I am starting my forty eighth year in emergency services..I do not know if you are a spiritual person; but if there is any validation of guardian angels it would have to be your crash. So many things were not in your favor. Chief Martin Vigil
When you hear a mother, who is a 911 dispatcher, tell you that her late son was one of the angels watching over you while you were freezing and near death, with your body shattered, that changes you, needless to say. I'm just gearing up, and I'm not going to quit.
Lots of lawyer candidates. Lawyers endorsing lawyers. DC lawyers endorsing more of the same. Get the picture? Lots of luck there. Get an engineer, instead. Get things fixed, for a change.
We are in "stage 1" (or thereabouts) of hyperinflation, with gasoline prices rising daily and with markets as some "can't lose" play things, with 18 year old kids and ditzy Arkchicks lecturing about supposed "stores of value;" and with a Federal Reserve a one-trick printing pony; and with faked-out regulators. No other candidate mentions these or understands the crucial implications. And a China-Russia alliance is a BIG problem. The Midwest will get the shaft unless, at a minimum, it has a knowledgable, forceful advocate who focuses on the root cause and the effects. Don't Be A Sucker! Elect an engineer, who has experience solving practical problems -- not some polysci/history lawyer who has lived a "professional" life on the wave of the Dues Process state-granted monopoly-mob. The solution assumes it's not too late to solve the problem here. Monopolies are the problem; our "free" markets are a myth. The DCNY monopolies are the root problems. The solution will stick in a lot of craws. If you elect a lawyer or the functional equivalent, the Midwest craw will be the big stuckee. DCNY is out for itself -- its own interests -- not for you. A Midwest regional caucus/alliance is the first step in the only viable solution to break the legal and financial monopolies. Bitcoin -- brilliant as it is -- is not the solution; it is an enabler of a domestic rift not seen in 150 years.
Guess who became Article III.
About John: Engineer - electronic hardware design and test; MSEE Stanford/Ginzton Lab-applied physics; B.A. Oberlin College, physics, math. email: .