Contact Major League Sailing

You can always get in contact with us. Use e-mail or MLS Discord channels.

This mailbox is managed by the race organization for operational activities. It could be mass mailing to all participants, mail to specific teams and its members, mail to individuals etc.

Use this address when you have specific questions about the ongoing tournament.

This mailbox is monitored by the Race Committee. Use this address when you have general questions or ideas about the whole event.

Useful MLS Discord channels

lobby-chat - text channel for general chat or info and questions to Race Committee

briefing-room - text channel for info, questions and chat about the current tournament

protest-committee - text channel for specific info or questions to Protest Committee

Lobby Voice - voice channel for general talk

MLS Season 20

Race Committee Protest Committee

Goffe (Chairman) Vacant 1

Blue Sweden Vacant 2

Legsy Vacant 3

ElMoro Goffe (admin, not voting)

The White Boat Legsy (admin, not voting)

Race Committee


Protest Committee



Blue Sweden



The White Boat