Restrictive Covenants


Know all men by these presents, that whereas, the undersigned SWT, LLC, hereinafter referred to as "Developer, is the owner in fee simple of all lots in Majestic Mountains Subdivision located in the 13th Civil District of Blount County, Tennessee, plat of which is of record in Map File 1785A in the Register's Office for Blount County, Tennessee; and

        WHEREAS, Developer is subdividing the said property; and

        WHEREAS, the Developer desires to establish restrictions for the good and benefit of the entire subdivision.

        NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed that from and after the date of this instrument the properly which is more particularly described above is hereby restricted as follows, said restrictions to run with the land:

        1.     Property Owners Association.   By accepting a deed conveying a lot or lots in Majestic Mountains Subdivision, the lot owner is acknowledging joint responsibility for the maintenance and repair of the common elements.  An Owners Association is established simultaneously to the development of this subdivision.  This Association is a not-for-profit organization with a President and Secretary/Treasurer.  The Association shall have at least one (1) meeting of the membership per year.  The Association's responsibilities shall include the maintenance and repair of the common elements as defined in Section 2 of the By-Laws below, which common elements shall be maintained in operational condition for the purposes for which they serve.  The Association may periodically set maintenance fees to be assessed to each member of the Association.  Further the Association is empowered to collect these fees and to pursue any legal rights for non-payment of the fees including the filing of a lien against any lot.  The by-laws of the Property Owners Association shall be as follows:


Section 1.  "Association" shall mean and refer to Majestic Mountains Subdivision Homeowners Association, a non-profit organization.

Section 2.  The common elements shall consist of the following:

(a)    The island and any signs located thereon at the entrance of the subdivision as it intersects with Doc Norton Road;

(b)    A 25 foot drainage easement over adjacent property located near Lot 3;

(c)    A drainage pipe located between Lots 78 and 79;

(d)    A drainage pipe located between Lots 42 and 43 and between Lots 42 and 44;

(e)    The area designated as "Detention Pond" consisting of Lot 93 containing 2.617 acres and a 25 foot  easement for egress and ingress located between Lots 89 and 90.

Section 3.  Every person or entity who is the owner of a fee or undivided fee interest in any lot which is subject to covenants of record to assessment by the Association shall be a member of the Association, provided that any such person or entity who holds such interest merely as a security for the performance of an obligation shall not be a member.  In the event that a lot is owned by one or more persons, the co-owners shall designate the representative to the Property Owners Association.

Section 4.  All members are subject to the payment of annual and special assessments levied by the Association, the obligation of which assessments is imposed against each owner of a lot and shall become a lien upon the lot against which such assessments are made.

Section 5.  The owner of any lot, by acceptance of the deed therefore, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other conveyance, shall be deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association: (1) annual, quarterly or monthly assessments or charges; (2) special assessments for capital improvements, such assessments to be fixed, established and collected from time to time as hereinafter provided.  The annual, quarterly, or monthly assessments and special assessments, together with such interest thereon and costs of collection thereof as may be hereinafter provided, shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the lot against which each such assessment is made.  The lien imposed by this section shall be inferior to any mortgage properly recorded at the time when the lien is created.  Each such assessment, together with such interest thereon and cost of collection thereof as hereinabove provided, shall also be the personal obligation of the person who was the owner of such property at the time when the assessment fell due.

Section 6.  The Association shall have one (1) class of voting membership.  Each lot owner shall have (1) vote in the Association.

Section 7.  The officers of the Association shall be a president, a secretary and a treasurer.

All officers shall be members of the Association.  The officers shall be chosen by a majority vote of the members. All officers shall hold office at the pleasure of the Association.

The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association.

The Secretary shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose.

The Treasurer shall receive and deposit in appropriate bank accounts all monies of the Association and shall disburse such funds as directed by the Association.

        2.    These restrictions shall run for a period of ten (10) years and shall automatically renew unless a document signed by two-thirds (2/3rds) of the owners is recorded which modifies, amends or revokes the covenants.  Such amendment shall be certified by written instrument signed by the property owners and recorded in the Blount County Register's Office.  However, the obligation to maintain the entry area and lake by the Homeowners Association may not be modified by a future amendment.


SWT, LLC, the Developer, hereby declaring that he is the lawful owner in fee simple of all lots in the MAJESTIC MOUNTAINS SUBDIVISION, as shown on map of record in Map File 1785A, in the Registrar's Office of Blount County, Tennessee, desiring to promote the development thereof as a residential subdivision, and for the protection of future owners of any one or more of said lots; do hereby impose upon the above described lots in MAJESTIC MOUNTAINS SUBDIVISION  the following restrictive Covenants which shall run with the land to wit:

WHEREAS, there has previously been recorded a Declaration of Restrictions for said property, which is of record in the Register's Office for Blount County, Tennessee, In Misc. Vol. 196, page 663; and

WHEREAS, the undersign desire to amend said restrictions.

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the undersign do hereby amend the restrictions previously recorded Misc. Vol. 196, page 663, by adding the following:

No sign of any character shall be displayed or placed upon any property except those advertising the property for sale and those used by a builder to advertise the property during construction and sales period. 

No vegetable gardens shall be planted or extended nearer the street than the rear yard of any residence, and in no event be nearer than 25 feet from any adjoining property. 

All said lots, from date of sale, must be maintained by the owner in a neat and orderly condition. This includes grass cutting and removal of debris.

Neither the Developer nor its successors or assigns, shall be liable to anyone submitting plans for approval by reason of mistakes in judgment, negligence, or nonfeasance arising out of or in connection with the approval or disapproval or failure to approve any plans. Every person and entity that submits plans to the Developer agrees, by submission of such plans, that he or it will not bring any action or suit against the Developer or it's representatives by reason of the approval or disapproval of such plans. If plans are not approved or disapproved within 21 days the plans shall be deemed approved. 

Developer shall approve all exterior elevations, exterior materials and specifications, exterior color schemes, site plan, landscaping plan (may be submitted after house is started a minimum of 60 days prior to completion), other improvements and location of improvements as per restrictions. 

If the Developer denies any plans or any portion thereof, lot owner may override the Developers denial by obtaining written approval of the plans by all lot owners in a three hundred (300) foot radius. 

Please submit all requests for new builds or other projects using the Project Approval Request Form.

Dwelling shall be completed in 12 months of beginning construction. Developer or assigns may approve an extension of construction period. Owner shall be responsible to see that the construction site is kept free of debris and waste as not to create a nuisance to other property owners.

No more than one dwelling shall be permitted on each lot. There will be no exposed concrete block on the house, outbuildings or retaining walls. Exterior materials shall be either brick, stone, stucco, wood siding or other approved material.

Exterior materials specification and/or samples or photographs shall be submitted with plans. All roofs shall be at a minimum of 8/12 pitch.

All roofs shall be what is described as a dimensional shingle or better to be approved by the Developer. Porch roofs or other minor accent roofs may have a lesser pitch if approved by the Developer.

Any outbuilding must be approved by the Developer and be built to complement the residence in style, color, theme and materials. The location of said building must also be approved.

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*Special Note of approval guidelines not included in the covenants:

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Dwelling shall be set back at least 100 feet from the street right-of-way upon which dwelling shall face, at least 10 feet to any side line, at least 20 feet from any rear lot line and at least 30 feet to any side street line. No structures, including swimming pools, pool houses, outbuilding, outdoor fireplaces and children's playhouses of approximate ground level construction, shall be located on or nearer than 30 feet of any property line. For the purposes of this covenant, eaves, stoops, and open porches shall not be considered a part of the building, provided they shall not be constructed to permit any portion of the building on the lot to encroach upon another lot. No provision of these restrictions shall be construed to permit any structure to be built on any lot that does not conform to the zoning laws and regulations of Blount County. It shall be permissible for Developer to reduce any setback requirements if necessary. Said permission shall be in writing and shall be recorded in the Registrar's office in Blount County, Tennessee.

Prior to construction owners are required to meet any governmental agency requirements, including obtaining local health department permits.

Pool houses shall be permitted in connection with a swimming pool. A fence approved by developer must enclose all swimming pools and must meet all then existing governmental requirements. Above ground pools are not permitted.

No fence shall be erected or maintained nearer to the front lot line than rear elevation of the residence. All fence placement and materials must be approved in writing by Developer. The Developer must approve all mailbox material and design in writing.

The Developer must approve all exterior lighting in writing, and lights shall be constructed or placed in such a way as to not focus an undue amount of light on adjoining or nearby landowners.

(A) One Story residence must be minimum of 2200 square feet not counting finished basement or garage.* 

(B) A 1-1/2 story, or other multi-level style with an attached double garage 2800 square feet with 1400 square feet minimum on main level not counting finished basements.

(C) A Two Story residence must be a minimum of 2800 square feet with 1600 square feet on main level not including finished basement or garages. No dwelling shall be erected or permitted to remain in this Subdivision unless it has the number of square feet of enclosed living area, exclusive of open porches, garages or basements as set forth in this paragraph. For the purposes of this paragraph, stated square footage shall remain the minimum floor area required, and floor area shall mean the finished and heated living area contained within the residence, exclusive of open porches, garages and basements.

No dwelling shall be erected or permitted to remain in this Subdivision unless it has the number of square feet of enclosed living area, exclusive of open porches, garages or basements as set forth in this paragraph. 

For the purposes of this paragraph, stated square footage shall remain the minimum floor area required, and floor area shall mean the finished and heated living area contained within the residence, exclusive of open porches, garages and basements.      

*Special Note of clarification not included in the covenants:  A second story bonus space does not count in the 2200 square foot minimum of a one story residence.  In addition, a second story bonus space would not cause the residence to be considered a 1-1/2 story.  



The undersigned Owners of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots in Majestic Mountains Subdivision pursuant to the Original Declaration as defined below in paragraph 2, hereby amend the Original Declaration and Amended Declaration for Majestic Mountains Subdivision (hereinafter "MMS") as follows on this the 5  day of April , 2024 ("'Second Amendment"): 


THAT WHEREAS, Restrictive Covenants for MMS were recorded in Misc. Record Book 

196, Page 663 in the Register's Office for Blount County, Tennessee ("Original Declaration'"); and 

WHEREAS, an Amendment to the Declaration of Restrictions for Majestic Mountains Subdivision is subsequently recorded in Misc. Record Book 196, Page 744 in the Register's Office for Blount County, Tennessee (''Amended Declaration"); and 

WHEREAS, the Original Declaration provides in paragraph 2 that the restrictions shall run for a period of ten ( I 0) years and shall automatically renew unless the document signed by two­-thirds (2/3) of the Owners is recorded which modifies, amends, or revokes the covenants; and 

WHEREAS, the Amended Declaration adds to, but did not repeal or amend paragraph 2 of the Original Declaration. 

WHEREFORE, at least two-thirds (2/3) of Owners of Lots in MMS hereby amend the Original Declaration as amended by the Amended Declaration as follows: 

There shall be a new paragraph 17 which addresses short-term rentals and reads as follows:

17. Short-Term Rentals Prohibited. Short-Term Rentals of any structure or residence on any Lot is prohibited. Short-Term Rental is defined as a rental or lease with a term of less than One Hundred Eighty (180) days. This section is intended to prohibit the use of any Lot for rental through Airbnb, VRBO, or any and all competing or like entities or rental by individuals directly and all forms or types of Short-Term Rentals with or without a centralized marketing platform. Any Owner engaged in Short-Term Rental of a lot as of the date of recording of this Second Amendment shall be allowed to continue such use only until the expiration of the term of any such lease existing and fully executed in writing as of the date of the recording of this Second Amendment and no further. No lease term extensions are permitted. In order to ascertain the expiration date of any outstanding leases, any Owner who is leasing or has leased his or her Lot or any portion thereof for current or future Short-Term Rentals as of the date of recording of this Second Amendment shall provide a copy of the lease to the Association's Secretary within fifteen (15) days of the recording of this document. Only such leases as provided to the Secretary will be allowed to remain in effect. 

Enforcement of this paragraph 17 may, at the discretion of the Board, be sought by fining the Owner of the Lot in violation. Fines will be assessed pursuant to a reasonable fine schedule established by the Board and in accordance with the Board's fining policies. The ability of the Board to assess fines under this paragraph as an enforcement measure is in addition and supplemental to the other enforcement measures contained in the Declaration as amended. 

In witness WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Second Amendment as of the date first written above. 

[ signature pages on file]