
Graduate Media Studies at Queens College convenes regular colloquia to engage colleagues and outside practitioners in conversations about their work, research and scholarship.

Unless noted, all colloquia take place in G-Building, Room 200, from 5p-6pm, and are open to the entire CUNY community.

Colloquium Guests for Spring 2024

Esteban Kelly - March 06

Esteban Kelly is the Executive Director of the U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives and has offered visionary leadership and creative strategy in economic democracy and co-op movements for over twenty years. He is a co-founder and worker-owner of AORTA (Anti-Oppression Resource & Training Alliance), a worker co-op that builds capacity for social justice movements and projects through intersectional training, consulting and facilitation.

Reverend Billy and Savitri D - March 20

Founders of the Church of Stop Shopping and the Stop Shopping Choir, Reverend Billy and Savitri D oppose the mono-culture in the broadest terms: consumerism, militarism and capitalism’s attack on nature. They focus their energy on hyper local issues and global ones, confronting and contending with racism and economic inequality within thier own community and organizing with the understanding that both are at the heart of nearly every issue. They work for the Earth. 

Emily Drabinski - March 26

Emily Drabinski’s research focuses on queer theory, library instruction and cataloging practice. She has also conducted research about reference services for incarcerated prisoners. Drabinski is the 2023-2024 president of the American Library Association (ALA). Drabinski has served as chair of the International Relations Committee (2020-21), ALA councilor-at-large (2018-20) and chair of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Information Literacy Frameworks and Standards Committee (2019-20).

Mark Hurst - April 3

Mark Hurst is an entrepreneur and writer concerned with the idea of “good experience”— in particular, what enables or detracts from meaningful experiences of creativity, technology, community, and life. Mark Hurst is the founder of Creative Good, the New York-based consultancy and creative platform that he founded in 1997. He has spent his career writing, speaking, and advising teams about how to create better products and services. He has created a number of his own projects, too.

Allison Elliot - April 10

Allison Elliott is the Archival and Special Projects Coordinator at The Feminist Institute, where she has worked on queer history, community archives, and zines. She is currently overseeing the Memory Lab, a pop-up archival project where participants can digitize analog materials for the TFI Digital Archive. Elliott earned her MA in Media Studies + Social Justice from CUNY Queens College in May 2023.

Edisa Weeks - April 17

Edisa Weeks is a choreographer, educator and director of DELIRIOUS Dances. Weeks creates intimate environments that merge theater with dance. Described by the New York Times as having “a gift for simple but striking visual effects,” her work has been performed in a variety of venues including Aaron Davis Hall, Dixon Place, Guggenheim Museum, Harlem Stage, Jacob's Pillow, The Kennedy Center, The National Black Arts Festival, Summerstages Dance Festival, and The Yard. She has also performed in swimming pools, senior centers, sidewalks, storefront windows and various living rooms, including living rooms in Berlin, Germany, as part of Haus der Kulturen der Welts 50th anniversary celebration.


May 8, 430p-6p  - Carla and Synne

May 15, 430-6p  - Monika and Haley