Work Experience

Senior Cyber Security Engineer, VISA Inc. (June 2018 - Present)

I am working as a cyber security researcher at Visa, Inc. I am doing research on designing and developing security services to detect, prevent and investigate cyber attacks on payment networks.

Research Assistant, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA (August 2016 - June 2018)

I worked for UAB SECRETLab as a research assistant and conducted research on the computer, network, and IoT security. I proposed cryptographic schemes to protect computer networks and services running on Cloud and IoT devices from unauthorized access. I also proposed forensic investigation models to enable investigators to analyze cyber criminal incidents. I published a patent and numerous journal and conference papers based on the proposed works.

Teaching Assistant, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA (August 2014 - May 2016)

I worked as a Programming Laboratory Instructor for Computer Science program. I designed programming assignments and quizzes. I also participated in designing course materials for Discrete Mathematics, Cloud Security, Object Oriented Programming, and Automata courses.

Cyber Security Engineer Intern, VISA Inc., USA (May 2017 - August 2017)

I participated in the development of a network logging service that collects network logs and detects intrusions or cyber attacks in the VISA payment network. I also implemented an altering system that notifies malicious network activities to network administrators.

Software Developer Intern, Vincari, USA (May 2016 - August 2016)

I developed a service that runs on Amazon Virtual Machines and logs events that take place on Web servers and Database servers. I was also responsible for implementing reports and analytics that enable managers to observe the adoption of various features of the Vincari software by its clients.

Lead Software Engineer, Samsung Research Institute, Bangladesh (June 2010 - August 2014)

I worked as a team leader for various projects. I managed engineers involved in developing software for embedded systems, smartphones, desktops, and webs. I identified software development tasks, prepared project plans according to deadlines, and distributed the tasks among the engineers. I also preformed software requirement analysis, designed various components of a software, and implemented software modules using numerous programming languages including, C, C++, C#, and ARM-Assembly. Additionally, I published papers and submitted patents from the project works.

Senior Software Engineer, Maestro Pvt. Ltd., Bangladesh (January 2010 - May 2010)

I analyzed requirements of an e-commerce smartphone application. I designed database schemes and user interfaces of this application. Finally, I implemented this mobile application using Android framework.

Software Engineer, Delta Life Insurance, Bangladesh (October 2009 - January 2010)

I was responsible to design, develop, and test various modules of an accounting software. This software was used by the Haman Resource department of Delta Life Insurance to manage employees' salaries and insurance claims.