

Ph.D. in Computer Science, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, 2018.

Dissertation Topic: Security and Privacy of Internet of Things (IoT).

Dissertation Title: Towards a Holistic Framework for Secure, Privacy-Aware, and Trustworthy Internet of Things Using Resource-Efficient Cryptographic Schemes. [manuscript] [ppt] [video]

Adviser: Dr. Ragib Hasan

Committee Members: Dr. Anthony Skjellum, Dr. Alan Sprague, Dr. Allen Johnston, Dr. Purushotham Bangalore.

B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2009.

Thesis Title: Benchmark Analysis of PC Servers.

Adviser: Dr. Mostafa Akbar

Research Grant

  • Mahmud Hossain "A Scalable and Interoperable Security Framework for Internet of Things based Systems," Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research, Grant ID: G2016100191916656, Dec. 22, 2016.

  • "Towards a Digital Forensic Investigation Framework for Internet of Things Using Public Blockchain Network", submitted to National Science Foundation. Contribution: prepared a draft for the PI. The grant proposal included the details of problem statement, proposed method, experiment and evaluation plan, project timeline, and budget.


University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

  • Teaching assistant: CS 201 - Introduction to Object Oriented Programming, Spring 2016.

  • Teaching assistant: CS 302 - Object Oriented Programming, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015.

  • Teaching assistant: CS 330 - Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming, Spring 2016.

  • Teaching assistant: CS 350 - Automata and Formal Languages, Fall 2014, Summer 2015.

  • Guest lecturer: Introduction to computer security in the Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing course (CS 443 ), Fall 2017.

  • Guest lecturer: Introduction to Amazon EC2 in the Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing course (CS 443), Fall 2017.

  • Guest lecturer: Internet of Things Provenance in Senior BS Capstone course (CS 499), Spring 2017.

  • Guest lecturer: Discrete Structures (CS 250), Spring 2017.

Test Scores

GRE: 310 (Nov 2013)

IELTS: 7 (Dec 2013)

Graduate Coursework