A toolkit that streamlines data flow through the whole workflow of updating, running and analyzing results of network models built in PIPESIM, utilizing full capabilities of OFM, in addition to other innovative tools, which helps to quickly spot bottlenecks, and then track it to the root cause.

Two OFM Plugins, to update PIPESIM Models and analyze output from Model

streamlined and iterable Workflow from data sources to PIPESIM models through OFM and back to OFM for analysis

PIPESIM Model Skeleton, has more than 230 wells

Mapping OFM variables to PIPESIM parameters to be updated

Variables QC befre being updated to the PIPESIM model

Checking variables trends

Checking update status to the model, whether has been properly updated or any errors happened

Extract all results from the model, and compile it into a database for an OFM project to analyze model results in correspondence to measured tests.

PIPESIM Model skeleton on the OFM base map

Histogram showing distribution of the selected model result variable, with adjustable 3 ranges according to the traffic map colors green, yellow and red

Traffic map helps to quickly spot bottlenecks

Model Navigator, helps to further check source of flow going through a branch, and destinations to which this flow can go, and to see profiles for model results (e.g pressure, temperature profiles) directly in OFM