About Me

I'm a Petroleum Engineer with 12 years of extensive experience in different aspects of petroleum engineering, gained while working with E&P Companies Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), and El Hamra Oil Company, and working with the world's largest oilfield services company Schlumberger.

I’m highly adaptable, flexible professional who embraces teamwork, but also enjoys working independently.

My Experience includes Production Optimization, artificial lift design, Forecasting, Well Surveillance, Reservoir Management, Production System Modelling, Decline Curve Analysis, Workover proposal, well completion design, wire line operations, Well test analysis (PTA), technical reports.

I also have 5 years of experience in software development, gained by self learning in several programming languages C++, C#, Python, VBA, Java, VB.net ,SQL and working with several frameworks WPF, Qt,...Data Analytics using python, machine learning. With this experience I've Established several projects to enhance workflows in petroleum engineering, and provide solutions for complex problems in a timely manner.


2001 - 2006

Faculty of Petroleum and Mining Engineering, Suez Canal University

B.Sc. Petroleum Engineering


Udacity, One Million Arab Coders Initiative, Data Analyst Track

Descriptive Statistics, Basic SQL, Joins, Aggregations, Subqueries & Temporary Tables ,Data Cleansing

Professional Experience

Nov 2016 – June 2019

Senior Petroleum Engineer

Kuwait Oil Company – Kuwait

  1. KOC (Kuwait Oil Company) - Surface Network Modelling and debottlenecking WK (West Kuwait)

Constructing Production Surface Network gathering production from 150 Wells, as part of wider scope to implement digital oil field for all west kuwait asset.

Main Responsibilities:

  • Data gathering QC and Validation

  • Network model construction

  • Calibrating the Network Model

  • Running What-if Scenarios


developed automated network building tool, to gather data, QC and building network model, with an option to build network model either in PIPESIM or GAP, using PIPESIM’s Python toolkit, Openserver in JupyterLab (the open data science platform)

  • which reduced the whole project timeline from 6 months to just a few days.

  • enhances the quality of the model by reducing human errors.

  • stores the wells routing information in a tabular format with hierarchical branch to main relationship.

  • abstracted network skeleton away from the network building implementation, which allowed me to reimplement model building in GAP in just 3 days.

  • helps maintain the model and keep it in sync with changes in the field, as it’s connected directly to the corporate database.

  • with further enhancements can be used to build network models for other GCs in KOC.

  • visualize network in JupyterLab using matplotlib to QC before running the actual script to build the network either in PIPESIM or GAP.

2. CMG license Analytics

Technologies used:

C#, WPF, Prism, AutoFac,Akka, Akka Streams

Developed an application implementing parallel data processing, using Akka Streams, which is able to process thousands of license events in few seconds, and generating output report with analytics on license usage and denials in MS Excel format .

3. Supporting PETEX software package in KOC.

4. Developing Production solutions using both my Petroleum Engineering domain knowledge and Software development skills, and looking for project opportunities internally in KOC.

August 2011 – June 2016

Senior Production Engineer Schlumberger – Kuwait

Accomplished multiple projects within diverse multi discipline teams, proactive and multitasking team member with initiatives helped to achieve outstanding results, built multiple integrated production network models (well models & surface network) for different assets in Kuwait with the target of debottlenecking and production optimization, production operations long term and short term planning, well test planning. coordinated between field development team and production operations to help maintain the network model and keep it ever green. promoted production optimization learning across asset teams,

led and mentored the production engineering team to achieve the annual objectives, and reach their career development goals.

  1. Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) -Integrated Production System Modelling and Automation Phase 1, North Kuwait Surface Network Modeling Project

    • For more than 700 producing wells, a fully surface network model was developed for North Kuwait Production network to effectively identify system constraints and increase operation efficiency. The scope of this modeling was to build a fully calibrated and a representative network model that starts from the wellhead to the Production Headers at the Gathering Centre.

    • My responsibilities were about data gathering and QC

    • Building and Calibrating PVT Models and populate over the network

    • Building and Calibrating the Network model

  2. KOC (Kuwait Oil Company) -Integrated Production System Modelling and Automation Phase 2, Well Models Construction and Network Model Update – NK (North Kuwait)

    • Constructed well models for more than 200 wells to integrate to a subset of the existing surface network model (completed in Phase 1) to demonstrate how a production system model will add value from the standpoint of troubleshooting and optimizing the production system, and to integrate the production system model with the corporate data repositories to facilitate automated update and model based surveillance.

    • Achievements:

      • Built OFM for Data gathering and QC

      • Created workflows in OFM to report wells downhole configurations, test parameters and pressure maps.

      • Extracted data from OFM to automate well models building using Openlink VBA

      • Matching and calibrating well models

      • Updating the network model

      • Developed Excel Add-in to convert the PIPESIM Network with Results extract into OFM Project.

  3. KOC (Kuwait Oil Company) - Integrated Production System Modelling and Automation Surface Network Model Construction – WK (West Kuwait)

    • Constructed Production Surface Network gathering production from 50 Wells

    • QC and Validation of the test parameters used to update the Model

    • Developed OFM plugin to help update and run and analyze results from the PIPESIM Network Model

    • Calibrating the Network Model

    • Running What-if Scenarios

  4. KOC (Kuwait Oil Company) – Reservoir Data Quality Improvement Project – SEK (South & East Kuwait)

    • Objective of the project was to enhance the reservoir and production data to be fed to the Greater Burgan reservoir through the schedule file to enhance the simulation output and to help in the history match process.

    • Achievements:

      • Built OFM project for the SEK asset to combine all data sources in one place, and to help QC the production history.

      • Established a workflow to review well history and relate production to different perforation interval.

      • Developed a plugin in OFM to help visualize production history along with different perforation intervals from different reservoirs throughout the well life.

      • Communicate with KOC data management to establish a process to update the database with findings and corrections from the project to the corporate database.

  5. OFM DCA PIP II project for Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)

    • Achievements:

      • Created Workflows for DCA and Reserve estimation in OFM

      • remapped DCA template from old OFM 2005 to OFM 2010 version and adding new functionalities.

      • Communicating with information management for creating views of Finder tables on ORACLE to be customized for OFM software.

      • Applied Shared Workspace principle, for Teamwork and collaboration.

      • Conducted training session and handover the project.

  6. PTO ( PIPESIM to OFM Link) OFM Plugin (Personal Project)

    • a plugin that streamlines data flow through the whole workflow of updating, running and analyzing results of network models built in PIPESIM, utilizing full capabilities of OFM, in addition to other innovative tools, which helps to quickly spot bottlenecks, and then track it to the root cause.

    • Technologies used:

      • C#, WPF, EntityFramework, Sql Server-CE, xml, TPL, Devexpress WPF controls, PRISM , Unity

    • Main Features:

      • Updates PIPESIM models directly from OFM after visually QC and Validate the update parameters

      • Run multiple Scenarios on parallel and retrieve the results of the PIPESIM models back to OFM

      • Navigating the PIPESIM Network Model from OFM by getting different routing options going through a selected Network object

      • Analyze the results from the Network Model in OFM using innovative Mapping tool (Traffic Map), which was ported later in PIPESIM 2017 as a new feature (gradient map)

      • Getting Profile results from PIPESIM direct into OFM

    • Introduction of new technology in the area of Production Engineering to various E&P companies

    • Developing and customizing well and reservoir analysis tools to identify best candidate for workover program

    • Supporting the Kuwait Geomarket for production softwares (OFM and PIPESIM).

April 2008 – August 2011

Reservoir Engineer

El Hamra Oil Company (Alamein Field), Alexandria, Egypt

Main Activities and Responsibilities:

  1. Field Experience:

Daily Production Operations Activities:

  • Daily Workover activities and Artificial lift maintenance.

  • Crude processing.

  • Well Testing.

  • Static pressure gradient surveys.

  • Dynamic fluid level measurement.

  • Optimizing the whole field Production.

Well Site rig and rigless Operations:

  • Wells reactivation with coiled tubing.

  • Slick Line operations.

  • Wireline Open hole and Cased hole logging and PLT.

  • Wireline perforations and Tubing Conveyed perforations.

  • Drill stem testing for newly drilled wells, and taking bottom hole samples to complete the PTA analysis to measure well deliverability and Skin.

  • Design Well Completions and then execute on site.

  • Early Production Facility on newly drilled exploratory wells to follow up with their production performance.

  1. Office Experience:

  • Reserve Estimates and wells production forecast using Decline Curve analysis.

  • Well and Reservoir surveillance.

  • Preparing Remedial actions for wells including water shutoff, recompletion, re-entry.

  • Well Completion Design.

  • Workover Candidate selection.

  • Planning PVT sampling.

  • Well Modeling and running sensitivities to identify potential gains and optimize production.

Training Courses Instructed

I’ve given several presentations in Schlumberger public events, and conducted the following courses:

  • Chevron JO 'OFM Fundamentals' Training, Kuwait, 2-6 Dec.2012

  • KOC OFM Fundamentals' Training, Kuwait, 6-8 Jan.2013

  • KEC-Kuwait Energy 'OFM Fundamentals' Training, Kuwait, 17-21 Feb.2013

  • Eni-Iraq 'PIPESIM Fundamentals' Training, Kuala Lumpur, 18-31 May.2013

  • KGOC 'OFM Fundamentals' Training, Kuwait, 15-17 Sep.2013

Professional Courses Attended

  • May 2008 4th Middle East and North Africa Sucker rod beam pumping Failure Analysis Training Symposium and open Forum.by LUFKIN Middle East

  • March 2009 Schlumberger OFM and PIPESIM Fundamentals.By Schlumberger NExt training center.

  • May 2010 Fundamentals of Well log Interpretation.by James WellY, Baker Hughes

  • May 2011 Reservoir Management “Oil and Gas” by A.H.El Banbi- OGS training center.

  • June 2012 Sclumberger induction course(OFS-6 Experienced hired) Kualalumpur - Malaysia

  • November 2012 Advanced Nodal analysis By Schlumberger NExT training, Indonesia

  • December 2012 Petrel RE Fundamentals, SIS Schlumberger, Kuwait

  • May 2013 OLGA Flow Assurance By SPT,Schlumberger, Dubai

  • November 2014 OLGA Well Dynamics By Schlumberger NExT training, Abu Dhabi

On Campus training

  • 2004 Western Desert Petroleum Company(WEPCO), Alamein oilfield

  • 2005 Belayim Petroleum Company(PETROBEL), Belayim oilfield

Materials and Benefits acquired Drilling operations, Production Process and Safety.

Technical Skills

  • Production Engineering, Production Enhancement, Production Optimization, Production Operations, Completion, Production Logging, Production Allocation.

  • Well Operations including all aspects of well intervention, Stimulation, Well Testing, Well Integrity, Well management, Well Productivity Improvement, Well Services.

  • Reservoir Management, PVT, Reservoir Surveillance.

  • Artificial Lift Design.

  • Good Communication skills oral, writing, Knowledge sharing.

  • technical support, industry training.

  • Data Acquisition, Data Management, Field development planning.

Computer Skills

Petroleum Engineering Software:

  • Schlumberger OFM(Expert), PIPESIM,OLGA, PETREL

  • PETEX IPM (PROSPER, GAP), Kappa Saphir.

  • Word – Excel – PowerPoint

Programming Skills:

  • Languages: C#, C++, Python, SQL , JAVA, SCALA, VB.Net , VBA

  • Machine learning

  • Linux, Git

  • Basics Ocean Plugin Development

  • OFM Plugin Development (Expert)

  • Qt widgets , Qt quick, CMake

  • Unit Testing,Design Patterns

  • Microsoft WPF and Windows Forms


English (fluent ), Arabic ( native )