Maybe we have some things in common outside research interests….

Stuff I like to talk about: Life in general; Movies/Series; Soccer; Basketball; Video Games. 

Stuff I like to do: Watching NBA, EPL, and CL; Kayaking; Rock climbing; Mountain biking; Eating good food; Seeing good music; Being around animals; Visiting a beach; Cooking; Playing board games, video games.

Favorite Music: After Hours; Los Angeles; Sleeping at Last; Lust for Life; Ayahuasca; Demons on the Side of My Bed; Gul; Kun Faya Kun; Oniket Prantor.

Favorite Artist/Band: Teflon Sega; The Midnight; The Weeknd; Novo Amor; Gregory Alan Isakov; Anuv Jain; Artcell.

Favorite Movie: The Old Man and the Sea; Interstellar; Life Is Beautiful; LOTR.

Favorite TV Series: Cosmos; Death Note; Breaking Bad.

Favorite Streamer: iShowSpeed; TenZ.

Goals for the next year (or so): Staying healthy; Being a better person.

“At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.”

― Frida Kahlo