MUSIC MAKER is a fully-fledged entry-level software for music production. Create your own songs & beats, arrange sounds & loops, play virtual instruments, record vocals & instruments and add effects in just a few steps.

MUSIC MAKER FREE is completely free and offers everything you need to create your own music. MUSIC MAKER PREMIUM is fee-based and offers you an infinite number of tracks and many creative tools for professional-sounding productions.

Magix Music Maker Download

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MUSIC MAKER PREMIUM gives you access to even more Soundpools and additional content. PREMIUM includes Spectrum Visualizer 2, MIDI Multi-Object Editing and other production tools such as Beatbox Pro 2, wizardFX Suite and Song Maker AI.

This bundle includes all MUSIC MAKER 2024 PREMIUM features + a 12-month subscription to Loops Unlimited. As a Loops Unlimited subscriber, you have access to every MUSIC MAKER Soundpool, all Soundpool Collections, and MAGIX Sound FX Collections in the In-App Store. Of course, you can use all loops and samples in your MUSIC MAKER 2024 PREMIUM projects as you wish. (Find more details about this bundle offer here. (

Since upgrading to windows 11, musicmaker doesn't work anymore and when I download it it automatically updates to a new version that doesn't work with windows 11. Is there another version I can download or a version that doesn't automatically upgrade? When I try to run the Magix musicmaker program it says, Music maker doesn't work anymore. Exception code, 0x80000003, thread name, MuMa Location, address, 0x00007FFA, module, Qt5WebEngineCore.dll. Can someone assists?

I would suggest you check if all your computer hardware drivers are up to date and Windows 11 compatible. You should be able to find all Windows 11 drivers on the website of the manufacturer. If there aren't any drivers available for this operating system, your hardware manufacturer doesn't officially support Windows 11.

i just upgraded to 20023 paid version it dosnt work soon as i open takes a while to get loged in then i do then ill click a sample fome sound pool as soon as i go to enter it into a track every thing freezes i have to open task manager to shout it down manualy its un useabal im on windows 11 and all my drivers are up to date

ok tryed it again this time didnot click upgrade was working fine could even put multi tracks in then it loged me in and froze again had use task manager to shut down shame cant use this but can use old 32bit version fine

the problem seems to be with magix musick maker when click a sample or one your own loops from a nother file what ever you click on starts to play sound then it cause a freez when you try to put it or anthing into any track every thing ok till this point its when you do that when you try to put somthing into a track

Usually you should have selected Music Maker ASIO or the ASIO driver of your external USB audio interface. You can configure the buffer size and the input and output by clicking on the Advanced button next to the driver selection. If you don't use an external USB audio interface but the audio chipset on your mainboard it might help to install the Realtek ASIO driver because most mainboards use Realtek audio chipsets.

you know what that might be problem i have a Behringer umc 404 hd sound card window drivers are no good for it need load Behringer driver i had reinstall windows lately just realized don't have that driver in staled ill try that

FIXED YOU NAILD IT SORRY what was is i was in wav driver 64 bit as asio wasnt option with new music maker thought was new thing didn't realize i was running on windows 11 driver for sound card i needed to go load Behringer drivers sorted now thank you for your help

ok what the problem was was i had to reload windows 11 windows has a Behringer soundcard driver but you really need to go to Behringer and load there driver wich is out date but works better then win 11 driver i just up graded music maker asio Behringer wasn't a option in the new music maker but it was showing up in wav driver 64 32 bit witch was different looking from other music maker so i just figured thats part of the new program what it was i had to go load the Behringer driver its all fixed now thank you very much for your help

I just received and installed my package deal of Magix Music Maker; Music Studio; and the Soundpool. Music Maker and the Soundpool are working fine. Music Studio looks like everying is going thru the motions OK, But, there is no audio comming thru my PC speakers. I switched over to headphones, still no audio. The audio does work on Magix Music Maker that I also received, and other software installed on the PC, but not Music Studio. I even tried uninstalling the program and reinstalling it and still no audio. Any suggestions?

Update: I found the problem. By default, the driver System was assigned to ASIO Driver System, which I don't have on my computer. When I went to the toolbar, selected Options, then System, then selected Audio System, I switched the Driver System from ASIO over to WDM (Multichannel). Then, I went back to the System/Devices menu, and selected Audio Devices. Now, from there I was able to select the Recording and Playback devices I needed to get the audio working and from the right device. I hope this helps anyone else who may of had this same problem.

Help, Music makers sound in the program is completely fine, it's when i go out of the program to view or listen to videos or music, it will cancel the audio completely. So I have to restart my computer to get sound back. How do I fix this ???

Im not sure if i have the same problem but music maker works but it mutes every other audio

it makes it so if im in a call my mic and audio both go to music maker not the call or both like other applications

Hi, has there been any updates on the issue of the sound card or driver ?

I have just updated Samplitude Music Studio 2016 to Samplitude 2020 (New PC with Windows 10 Professional, hence my need to update).

All good, everything works fine but when I run Samplitude my sound doesn' t work from the other apps. Even if I exit Samplitude the only way to make it work is to reboot th PC

This thread was started in 2013 and the app concerned was Music Maker. You are asking about Samplitude! Please do not either resurrect such an old thread nor hijack another user's thread since you are asking about a different app.

Did you read all the posts in the thread? The answer is given above. Essentially, the "default" ASIO driver requires exclusive access to one app at a time. That is an unalterable part of its specification.

I have exported a single note scale on one track from Music Maker (from midi editor screen) as a midi file. When loading it into music maker an error message says "MIDI LOAD. Load failed :bad midifile: unexpected EOF" . Using Musescore 4 the system may then crash.

The midi file from this DAW reloads into the DAW ok and extension is shown as midi file in "properties". Midi files exported from my Yamaha keyboard load into both versions of Musescore without a hitch. Is there anything I can do to for musescare to accept a single track melody (no chords) midi file from my Magix Music Maker DAW. Thank you. TestMusicMakerMidiFile.mid

Magix Music Maker 2024 Premium unlocks a world of creative music production, empowering you to craft professional-sounding tracks. Its intuitive drag-and-drop interface lets anyone, from aspiring producers to seasoned beatmakers, build their musical visions with ease.

Music is an important part of most video productions. If you produce video for money, broadcast or public display, then you need either buyout music or some sort of music composition software. While there are a number to choose from, few have as many features and options as MAGIX Music Maker 7 deLuxe, and fewer still will set you back less than $75. This suite includes loop-based music tools, step-sequencers, software synths and effects, in addition to timeline video editing and mixing. Perhaps we were initially confused by the name "Music Maker," but it turns out that this product really does it all, from aural to visual.

Loopy Tunes

Loop-based music is created by combining audio files from real, professionally played instruments into new compositions. Although you have quite a lot of freedom in arranging bass lines and keyboards, you are still limited by the melodies and harmonies in your loop library, but this lets non-musicians create professional-sounding songs, and it may be just what you need for your video projects. The process is not difficult, but it does require an ear for mixing and at least a modicum of creativity.

The loop-based timeline in Music Maker 7 (MM7) does a nice job with this style of composition and lets you mix video clips right in with your audio clips. The included loop files (three CDs worth) were clean and came in a wide variety of styles. Additional libraries are available from MAGIX for as little as $5 apiece when purchased in collections. 152ee80cbc

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