Another way is to use the Range Selection tool (the one with the icon that looks like a square). Select the range that you want to be played by another instrument, press Shift+X to split this range and then drag it into another track. The Range Selection tool is also very useful for copy and pasting stuff into multiple tracks.

Suppose you recorded a midi track and were sending from a synth on midi 1. Later you decided to record some other stuff on the same track but did not notice that you were playing your multi timbral synth on midi 2. Now you got some events with midi channel 1 and some with midi channel 2. This can happen for example if you are adding percussion sounds to a percussion or drum track. With the logical editor you can just select the events with midi channel 2 and change them to 1 or just delete those or just increase velocity on those or just cut those and paste them onto another track. Neat.

Lg Channel List Editor Download

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Also, in list editor, if you select a range or select all and then change the midi channel of the first event, all selected events will change. If the same is done in other fields, like velocity, they will also change but proportionally, unless all velocities were the same value.

This is nearly correct for the default behavior. Actually when multiple notes are selected & the velocity is changed in the Info Line the new values are changed relative to their initial values not proportionally. Say you select two notes with velocities of 40 & 100. The info line will show the value of the 1st note 40. If you change the 40 to 20 then the 2nd note will change to 80 (100-20). If the changes were proportional then the 2nd note would have changed to 50 (half its initial value).

I am having a very weird issue with my graph editor. It is probably super stupid but I can't figure it out. The channel list that normally appears on the left part of the graph editor window does not show when I select an animated object and turn on the "only selected" button, although it is well displayed when this little button is off. I tried reopening the scene several times, rebooting blender, tweaking the options in the view panel and stuff but it's just gone and it is really inconvenient. Does anyone know how it can fix this? Thank you!

Solved : it appears that I simply missclicked on the "disable selection" restriction toggle in the scene outliner. It would have never occurred to me that the fcurves would remain visible when disabling this toggle, that's why I didn't bother to check the filters when looking for a solution. Anyway, if you ever stumble upon that issue, make sure to always check your restriction toggles!

Unfortunately it does not update automatically when channels move frequency, or disappear etc., so a little maintenance is needed to edit the master list, which is then copied to all instances of tvheadend to keep all in sync.

For example, my tvheadend has 915 services installed but only 327 enabled, of which only 228 TV channels are mapped because many are duplicated or offer the same content in SD and HD. A single channel can be available in DVB-T and DVB-S (in one or more transponders) in two different qualities SD and HD. At the end there are 110 channels in the first group, 78 in the second group, and 40 in the third group. I do not use bouquets, only my personal tags (groups). Once this is done, you just have to map the epg guide and the picons.

Maybe there is some other/alternate information that could be included in the channel list that would allow Tvheadend to track and map the channel should it change frequency.

If yes, I do not know what it is, so maybe someone can enlighten me?


Have you just bought a brandnew hightech samsung television? Congratulations. Sorting the favorite channels is probably one of the first things you do. Nowadays, specially with hundreds or thounds of channels, this task can be a very cumbersome. Moving channels by using the remote, e.g. from #343 to #23, takes some time. To make things easier, i have written this tool. With SamyCHAN you can organize your channel list very comfortable.

Your installed broadcast profiles appear in the mobile app under separate tabs. For example, you can have a separate tab for your Satellite and Cable/Terrestrial channels, as shown in the screenshot below. Switch between tabs to edit a specific channel list. All changes will be saved when you exit the app.

If you come across a location permission request on your mobile app, it means you're connecting the app to a TV with older firmware, which can only use the app through Bluetooth. In this case, the mobile app uses Bluetooth to connect to the TV, and most OS versions in the market require the user to enable location for Bluetooth to work. However, once your TV gets the software update, which enables connection via Wi-Fi, you won't need to use Bluetooth anymore.

You might not be able to connect the app to the TV if the installed TV firmware does not support connecting the app through Bluetooth. We recommend using the latest TV firmware and the latest version of the TV Channel Editor for BRAVIA mobile app.

Yes, previous TV firmware will be detected when scanning the QR code on the TV with your smartphone. You can establish a connection through Bluetooth instead of Wi-Fi. However, we always recommend downloading the latest TV firmware version. If you are connecting to a TV with older firmware, the mobile app will direct you to use Bluetooth as explained below:

Clicking the gear wheel tool button opens the Reception Settings page. It provides means for configuring basic reception properties that apply to all channels of a DVB network, such as a terrestrial or cable network or a satellite position. The main point is the selection of a matching transponder list that enables a channel search. The transponder list tells the scanner on which frequencies it shall look for channels. The Reception Settings page contains the following elements:

Please understand that DVBViewer as a low price product cannot be shipped with thousands of localised up-to-date frequency lists for all regions worldwide. It needs support from the DVBViewer community. So if you have created a new transponder list please post in the DVBViewer forum and attach your file in order to help other users.

A DVBViewer standard installation contains transponder lists and a default channel list for the main European satellite positions (Astra 19 / 23 / 28 East and Hotbird 13 East). However, your outdoor equipment may require some extra configuration (particularly DiSEqC, Digital Satellite Equipment Control). Or you may want to receive other satellite positions. Please perform the following steps:

If you need further information about DiSEqC, please refer to the TransEdit manual. The DiSEqC chapter also applies to DVBViewer. It describes how more than four satellite positions can be received with DiSEqC 1.1 commands or a motorised dish.

After a reception type is configured a channel search can be performed. The magnifier symbol in the toolbar in the Channel List Editor switches over to the Channel Search page. It contains the following elements:

Clicking the star icon in the tool bar opens the Favourites Editor page. It allows to compile and edit a list of favourite channels. Right-clicking the Favourites Editor opens a context menu with various commands. Additionally the Favourites Editor provides a separate tool bar. Please note that a favourite is no independent channel item, but a link to a channel list entry, like a link on the PC desktop. A favourite will not work anymore if the corresponding channel is missing, so it does not make sense to cut and paste channels from the channel list to the favourites list. Here is what you can do with the Favourites Editor:

Favourites can be displayed at various places in DVBViewer. However, since there is no unified handling yet, this is not obvious and sometimes a bit tricky. The following list explains how and where favourites can be used:

After scanning for channels you will have to manually go through all of the channels that were found and correct the channel numbers, as well as insert XMLTV Id's if you are using a listing service. In some cases you may have to tune the channel with MythTV Live TV to see what the channel actually is.

If you downloaded the channel list from the listings provider you may still want to go through the list and add any that were missing (perhaps some channels that you receive were not on the listings service).

As an alternative to editing channels here, you can edit them in MythWeb, the web based interface that is an optional component. MythWeb allows editing channel details or deleting channels, but not adding channels.

In the channel editor you will see a list of channels and a list of video sources. Each video source has its own channel list. You can have channels that exist in more than one source, and you should make sure that they have the same channel number and call sign in all sources.

Navigation in this page uses different conventions and can be difficult in the default theme. You may find navigation easier by first installing another theme through the frontend (e.g. the Steppes theme or MythCenter theme).

No special features, it only edits lists. It consists of 1 drag-and-drop tree view, has tab navigation, there is transponders editor, xml settings editor, a channel explorer "Channel Book" with channels by categories: services, bouquets, positions, providers, resolution, encryption, A-Z.

The Mode Editor is used to create and edit modes by picking sets of Channels in certain order (as defined bythe fixture's manufacturer). Each editor window is divided into three tabs:Channels, Heads and Physical.

In the Channels tab you can place the fixture's channels in an order that formsan actual representation of the DMX channels that the fixture understands when ithas been configured in that particular mode.

In the Heads tab you can define multiple heads for asingle fixture, so that QLC+ knows to treat each of them individually in certainsituations (such as Fixture Groups). If a fixturecontains only one head when it's configured to use the currently edited mode (i.e. allof the mode's channels control one head at a time) there is no need to define the head. If,however, the fixture has multiple heads that you wish to be able to control, you must defineeach head here. 152ee80cbc

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