
original species

Neons are dark matter based lifeforms that namely live in Lumina. They were created by the embodiment of darkness as compensation for excess matter left over by the last rupture of reality.

They are what many would describe as “the perfect lifeform” since they don’t need to eat, sleep, or even breathe. They even have their own language.

Since they’re made of dark matter, injuries and pain don’t really mean much to them, as in, they don’t really feel pain. The exceptions to that are if they’ve sustained too much damage and they can’t heal properly, or getting kicked in the nuts. They also defy every law of physics, like extending or duplicating limbs, getting compressed, or changing what creature they look like.

Despite neons looking like they have a matte texture, their skin actually feels smooth and shiny, almost slippery even.

What neons know best is sex. They tend to take pride in having a fruitful existence. They also partake in strange rituals on occasion. They also don’t have all too much else to do anyway.

Neons use synthesization to make any kind of noise. For smaller neons, it’s hard to properly synthesize speech so they mostly just make 8-bit noises or relatively heavily distorted animal sounds.

Neons live for around what is known as a Lumanian Decade, which is 10 million years.

Being a part of one of the few classes anitphysical based lifeforms, they slowly dissipate and fizzle out of existence. Which is why they eat things. Even if it extends their life by just a few seconds.