Landscape Ecology and Spatial Analysis

About me

I'm a Biologist and Master in GIS and Remote Sensing and recently I have also completed a Master in Bioinformatics and Biostatistics. I'm working as spatial analyst in Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Lab in CREAF and associated to CTFC. My current work focuses on analyze and quantify lanscape changes produced by pressures. I'm also involved in the generation of several GIS products related to biodivesrity conservation and management.

I started my professional career in 2002 as a technician in the Department of Geography at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) in a project for defining, implementing and maintaining a corporative GIS in the Agència Catalana de l'Aigua as well as giving support to a project more specifically on water monitoring from Landsat images (developed by the same group of Geography at UAB, currently constituted as GRUMETS).

My personal and professional concern took me to explore new horizons, more related to my training as biologist and biodiversity conservation. So, on October 2005 I started my relationship with the Biodiversity and Landscape Ecology Lab, fisrt in the Forest Science Centre of Catalonia (CTFC) and since April 2022 in CREAF.

Also, I share my daily life with Dani and our three children: Manel (2006), Carme (2009) and Ramon (2015); which are the personal driving force of all this. I try to spend as much time as I can with them, accompaning our pubs to find their own way.

Other personal information, not less important: I grow up in a very little village in the center of Catalonia (Santa Eulàlia de Puig-oriol), I studied in a rural school, then the high school in a medium town (Vic). When I was 18th I moved to Barcelona to the university, where I was living near 10 years first studying and later, working. When I began to work in CTFC I mooved to Solsona, where our child has born. It's a quiet town near Pirineus and I enjoy living here, with such the good things of a quite place and, also, the less good things of a little place.

I also enjoy trekking (I love Pirineus), listening music (currently I'm listening catalan groups as el Petit de cal Eril, San Josex, Antònia Font, Albert Pla... and flamenco with Mayte Martin, Camaron, Paco de Lucia...) and Tom Waits, cooking for my family and friends, working in our little garden and orchard, running arround Solsona and, in order to keep me healthy I love a "siesta" (when my pubs allow me).
