Missa in honorem S. Luciae

This missa brevis for one voice was found in the archives of St. Patrick Church, Carlisle, PA. The composer, "B. Wert," was likely Bernard Wert, a student of Nicola Montani, and music director at St. Patrick's Cathedral, Harrisburg, PA.

The missa brevis is indicative of Wert's style: thick, dark textures, straightforward melody, and a harmonic palette influenced by both the late Romantics and the Cecilian movement.

Missa in honorem S. Luciae

Full score (ed. O'Donnell)

Manuscript (property of St. Patrick Church, Carlisle, PA)

Bernard B. Wert (1899-1966)

Bernard Wert served as organist-choirmaster at Saint Patrick Cathedral for 45 years, from 1921 to 1966. His involvement with music extended far beyond the Cathedral. He was the director of music and instructor of Gregorian Chant at College Misercordia, Dallas, PA, and teacher of singing at Sylvan Heights Home, Harrisburg, as well as instructor for a number of choirs throughout the diocese and a private teacher of piano, organ, and voice.

Wert taught theory and composition and was himself the composer of a number of Masses, motets, and other pieces of sacred music. His church music, published by the Gregorian Institute of America, was known and used nationwide.

In the 1960s, in the early days of congregational participation in the Mass, his “Missa Pro Fidelibus” was, by Bishop Leech’s directive, sung by all congregations in the diocese. The stacks of beige cards on which the Mass was printed were a common sight at the ends of pews and on tables at the rear of churches throughout the diocese.

Bishop McDevitt, in his letter offering the cathedral position to Wert in 1921, had written, “My only condition is that you should provide music that conforms to the laws of the Church.” Throughout his forty-five years of service, Professor Wert was known and respected for his strict adherence to this dictum.

biography from the Diocese of Harrisburg