How To Be So Seductive Woman ( and So Attractive )

Simple Ways To Attract (And Seduce) ANY Man By Being Sexy AF

Seduction is very much a part of the courtship process, if not the most influential element of physical attraction. 

Webster’s Dictionary describes seduction as “something that attracts or charms” or “an invitation to sexual intercourse.” 

Being enticing, attractive and charming is very important when you’re dating, because you want the man you’re after to find you irresistible so he’ll come after you.

I cannot impress upon women the value of letting a man make the first move. 

For starters, it puts you in control and him at your mercy. You want to feel wanted, desired and sought after — not clingy, needy or desperate.

When you bring a man to a place where he can no longer resist your efforts to make him yours, you are in the power seat. 

You want him to kiss you, to say “I love you” first, to be the one who does the calling, and to seek you in hot pursuit.

If a guy turns into a potential candidate to spend forever with, you always want to be able to remember that he wanted you, that he had to have you, that you drove him to the brink of insanity and back again. 

Plus, you want to be able to remind him that he found you irresistible, not the other way around.

Trust me, it’s better this way. You don’t ever want to look back on those early days together and wonder if you came on too strong or pitied him into liking you.


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It’s not always about sex

 Let’s be clear about what it means to be seductive because it’s so much more than getting a man in the sack, which is where women make the first mistake in their dealings with men. 

C’mon, ladies, most of us know it doesn’t take much to get a man to hop in bed with us. 

After all, they’re drooling at the mouth from the first moment we walk into a room, counting the seconds until it will become appropriate to discuss the possibility of sex.

Seduction is being alluring, mysterious and desirable enough to keep him guessing and wanting more of what you have to offer outside the bedroom. 

Don’t make the critical error of thinking that being seductive is about sex. You’ll become too eager to give in to his insatiable need for it, foolishly believing the act of sex will keep him coming back for more.

Seduction has little to do with making whoopee and everything to do with making a lasting impression. 

It’s about body language, voice control and verbal cues, not dressing sexy or talking dirty. 

It should always be delivered in a tasteful way so that you don’t compromise your dignity or self-esteem. 

Whether you are a super cool chick or the type of woman who blushes at the thought of portraying herself as a sex icon, these no-nonsense tips will help you to become successfully seductive:

1. It’s all in the eyes

They say the eyes are the window to the soul and it’s true. Look in the mirror and practice making eye contact with yourself. 

Discover every different type of possible flirtation your eyes can create, and find a few looks you’re comfortable with. 

Men go gaga over gorgeous eyes. Find the eye shadow/mascara/eyeliner combo you can come up with to make your eyes look sultry, and head for a night on the town. 

Shoot him a few of those eye poses you came up with. He will melt! 

2. When it comes to clothes, more is marvelous

Don’t dress like a slut unless you want to be treated like one. 

Plunging necklines, backless dresses, super short skirts, and clear stripper heels are not the elements of a seductive ensemble. 

They are evidence of a desperate attempt made by a woman who doesn’t know the first thing about being sexy. 

Choose something that compliments your shape and shows off those eyes we talked about. 

3. Always leave him wanting more

Giving it up too soon can turn a hot date into a hot mess. Give him plenty of time to yearn for you before you let him know how irresistible you find him. 

End phone conversations first, suggest it’s time to call it a night before he does and abruptly interrupt a couple of make-out sessions because you have to get up early. 

You want to drive him wild with your clothes on long before you wow him with a wild interlude that includes taking your clothes off. 

4. A true seductress knows that seduction is all in the mind

 Looking good is only a small part of what makes a woman seductive. 

Seduction is a psychological game that requires an element of mystery and deep, intellectual conversation. 

Mental chess is very attractive to men, and if you can hold your own in a game, you’ll hook him on all kinds of levels.

You want to maintain the fantasy aspect as long as possible, which means he will be able to conjure up all kinds of ideas about who you are before you tell him. 

Never tell your date too much too soon. Cleverly avoid questions and redirect the conversation to him.

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5. Use your words

A huge part of being seductive is through what you say to your man. 

If you're quiet as a mouse and hardly ever even talk to him, then you are going to find it tricky to seduce him and have him falling for you. 

But if you master the art of flirting, then you're going to find it much, much easier to have him falling at your feet.

Flirting doesn't require you to do anything super wild or crazy, just follow these 2 simple steps for some seductive flirting:

Tease him and let him know that you're not so impressed: A really easy way to seductively flirt with a guy is to let him know that you are not completely taken with him but in a fun way. 

So ask him things like, "Did your mom buy your shoes?" or "I don't know if I could ever date a guy who is an engineer/computer programmer/whatever his profession is." or "Are you sure you went to college. 

You don't sound like you went to college." The purpose of these comments is only to poke fun, remember.

Tell him it would never work: Another easy way to flirt is to say something like, "This is why it would never work between us" when you are both talking about something. 

So if you both have the same interests you can say it because "It would never work between us, we'll just end up spending too much time together, it would be terrible!" or if you have no interests in common, you can say something like, "I can tell this wouldn't work between us, we just have nothing in common."

Just remember that both these flirting examples only work when you say them in a fun, joking manner. 

If you say them with a very serious expression on your face, then your man is just going to be confused.


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6. Dress to Impress

So previously I said that you don't need 6-inch pumps and a bandage dress to be seductive to a guy. 

This is totally true, but it doesn't mean the opposite is true either, that you are going to have guys falling head over heels for you if you walk around in sweatpants and UGG boots all day. You need to find a happy medium.

You need to find clothes that you are totally comfortable wearing, but that are also attractive and seductive. 

So if you have a great pair of legs, then make sure to wear jeans or a dress that help subtly draw attention to them. 

The same goes for your hips, breasts, neck or any area of your body that you want to draw attention to.


7. Stop being so available

One thing that women often get really wrong is how available they make themselves. 

If you are always available and always put your schedule on hold to hang out with your man, then you're not going to be hard to get.

Being constantly available doesn't set you up as a valuable commodity in your man's eyes. 

If there is only one thing that you learn from this guide on how to be seductive, then it's that you are actually much more seductive and attractive when you are not so available and don't devote your life to him.

This is certainly counter-intuitive, but the simple fact is that people want what they can't have.

Just make sure not to go completely overboard where you never have time to hang out with him. It's a tricky balance. 

You need to be almost out of reach, but still attainable.

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8. Touch him

If you want to be seductive, but never make anything happen between you and your man, then don't bother touching him, ever. 

Obviously, you want something to happen though, so you're going to need to touch him. Touching your man seductively is pretty simple.

Just wait till you are talking to him, then as you are making a point touch him and make sure to look into his eyes. 

Doing this with confidence is a powerful way to be seductive and let him know exactly how you feel about him.

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