7 Exercises For A Round Bubble Butt

Bubble butts and booty trends may come and go, but one thing never goes out of style: a firm, lifted backside.

That’s why we’ve put together these Bubble Butt Workouts. But first, let’s talk about glutes.

The truth is, your gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in your body, so strengthening and firming your rear does more for you than help you look hot in a pair of jeans.

Glute strength can help reduce hip and knee pain and protect your back from injury; it also improves your athletic performance in nearly any workout.

In this article, we’ll explain how the glute muscles work, why strong glutes are essential, and how to achieve that toned and lifted bubble butt with exercise, not over-the-top medical procedures.

Muscles To Work for a Firm Butt

How to get a bubble butt starts with understanding the mechanics of your powerful butt muscles.

When you think of toning your butt, you may picture the actual butt cheek itself, but there are a few different muscles responsible for creating a firm, lifted appearance.

Three muscles make up your rear:

- The gluteus maximus: the largest muscle in your body, which produces the shape of the buttocks and helps with hip and thigh movement.

- The gluteus medius: a fan-shaped muscle that assists in hip rotation.

- The gluteus minimus: a muscle that helps with thigh rotation.

Your hamstrings also extend up towards your glute muscles, making them a vital muscle to include in your next butt workout.

Hamstrings are a frequently overlooked muscle, but you need strong hamstrings to not only prevent injury to your hips but also create a lean, tight backside.

Why Glute Strength Is Important

All talk of bubble butts aside, glute strength is important for overall strength and fitness.

As mentioned, your glutes are the largest muscle in your body, and they’re crucial for so many different movements concerning your hips and thighs.

Here are three reasons you need to strengthen your glutes in order to get a round butt:

  1. A Firmer Buttocks Improves Your Posture

Most of us sit for long periods of time for work, and this causes the glute muscles to “turn off,” so to speak.

When our glutes aren’t firing effectively, our hip flexors tighten and shorten, which not only increases the chances for injuries to our hips and knees but can cause what’s known as “postural deviations” such as slouching.

Strong, activated glute muscles prevent this from happening and keep our postural alignment upright and healthy.

2. A Strong Buttocks Reduces Hip, Back, and Knee Pain

Strong glutes stabilize your pelvis and help protect your hips from injury. Similarly, when your hips are protected, your lower back is also free of pain.

When your pelvis is stable, it also takes the pressure off your knees and ankles, which can overcompensate otherwise. All around, strong glutes lead to a pain-free body.

3. Strong Glutes Improves Athletic Performance

Strong glutes are also crucial to athleticism: they boost your agility, speed, and overall athletic performance.

Especially if you’re a runner, strong glutes help propel you farther and faster, not to mention they reduce the impact your feet have to take every time they strike the ground.

Bubble butt exercises are more than aesthetic – they’re athletic!

The Best Bubble Butt Workouts

Now that you know the importance of working your glute muscles let’s get into the exercises for a curvy, round butt.

Squats are known for their ability to build beautiful backsides, but we’ve also added plyometric movements to this workout—plyometrics make a huge difference in building muscle quickly.

You can incorporate these movements into your existing workouts, or do them all together for one killer, butt-kicking workout!

If you do them all together, perform 8-10 repetitions of each exercise. These moves are all bodyweight except for the resistance band butt blaster—but this move can be modified without the resistance band, too.

7 Exercises To Get Round Glutes and A Firmer Buttocks

1. Basic Squat

Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart. Your hips, knees, and toes should all be facing forward.

Bend your knees and extend your buttocks backward as if you are going to sit back into a chair.

Make sure that you keep your knees behind your toes and your weight in your heels. Rise back up and repeat.

2. Skaters

Start with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-distance apart and arms at the sides.

Bring one leg behind at a slight angle into a reverse lunge. The front knee will come to a 90-degree angle.

Swing the arms in front of that bent knee and leap the back leg forward to switch sides in a skating motion—arms alternate as you switch sides like a speed skater.

3. Jump Squats

Start standing with feet hip-distance apart and lower into a squat position by bending the knees. Keep the spine straight, chest lifted, and knees behind toes. Arms are in front of the chest for balance.

Jump straight up and swing arms overhead. Return to squat.

4. Resistance Band Butt Blaster

Kneel on the floor and wrap band under the right foot, and place hands down under shoulders holding handles against the floor.

Lift right knee off the floor slightly and push the right foot back to extend leg straight against the band, squeezing your glute.

Release slowly, bringing the knee back into a bent position. Continue for desired reps and switch feet.

Note: You don’t have to use a resistance band if you don’t have one; it can easily be modified as bodyweight-only.

5. Glute Bridges

Lie on back with bent knees hip-distance apart, and feet flat on mat stacked under the knees.

Engage the core and squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips to a bridge. Hold, squeezing tight, and return to the mat with control. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

6. Plié Squats

Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and toes turned out into a 45-degree angle.

Bend knees and lower your torso, keeping your back straight and abs tight.

Squeeze your glutes and come to a standing position.

7. Cross Behind Lunges

Begin standing with your feet hip-distance apart.

Transfer your body weight onto your left leg and cross your right foot behind your left leg keeping your hips facing forward as you bend both knees and lower yourself toward the floor in a lunge.

Keep your back straight, and chest lifted to keep your weight in the front leg. Step back to the start position and repeat on the other side.

Wait... Here is more

1 tsp a day of this rare Australian plant melts 48 LBS!!!

A breakthrough study has proven that this australian plant turbo-charges metabolism and melts fat by fixing a newly discovered “root cause” of arm, butt and hip fat.

It’s 556% more powerful than exercise – even when sleeping.

It’s 611% more powerful at burning butt, arm and neck fat than any diet.

Even Dr Oz. featured it recently on his show – calling it a booty fat buster!

Can you guess which one it is? (Click the link to find out)

1. Kohlrabi

2. Chayote

3. Kudzu

PS. The $80 billion dollar weight loss industry do not want you to see this video and discover the amazing fat-melting plant...