How to Recover a Permanently Deleted Message in Gmail

We are already using a lot of world class services which were not there in the previous century. We have developed all these services in just past few years only. All these have been made possible only after the serious efforts of some technology major companies. They took the initiative and underwent the transformation on their own and then they came up with their very own ideas. You can count a good number of companies which started just as an ordinary small town firms and then later on went on to become the major technology giants.

One such company is Google. Though it was launched in 1998 but it came to the limelight only after launching its most popular product, Gmail, the mailing site. Since then, Google has never seen any depression in its revenue. Gmail was the kind of site which no one had ever wondered and bang, it was just in front of them, fully operational and working. Not only this site, there are a lot of support services also such as the Gmail support which gives a free hand supplement to its services. You can ask any question to this support team and they will give you the most appropriate answer.

Follow the following steps in order to recover your permanently deleted messages from your account:

  1. To recover the lost mails, you need to login to your account first.
  2. Search of the missing emails support page on your account by entering this in the search column.
  3. Next, you have to fill up a form to ask for the recovery.
  4. Select the date when you first noticed that some mails have gone missing from your account.
  5. Then provide some details about your problem like what you did and how it happened etc.
  6. Finally, click the submit button to send out the request. If your problem is solvable then you will get your mails back in your folder.

Further, you can contact Gmail technical support to get any additional help. There is a support team ready to help you in any situation. Tell them your whole problem and they will do the task for you remotely.

Read Also: Logging Out from Gmail Inbox or Website