Magnetic Coupling in Nanostructured Materials

Roma, 23 - 24 October 2017

Conference Organizers

Dr. D. Peddis

Institute of Structure of Matter - CNR, Roma (Italy)

Davide Peddis (DP) obtained his PhD in Physical Chemistry (2007) at the University of Cagliari and he is now researcher at ISM-CNR. The scientific activity of DP focuses on the physical chemistry of nanostructured magnetic materials (nanoparticles, thin films) and it is presented in over 70 publications (google scholar citations:1450; h-index:20), 4 book chapters, and over 100 communications, including invited (34 personally given) and oral presentations (33 personally given), to national and international conferences. DP won as principal investigator several national and international competitions and now he is responsible of the Italian unit of the FET-Proactive Project, MAGnetic nanoparticle based liquid ENergy materials for Thermoelectric device Applications (MAGENTA) [2016-2020, Total Budget 5 milion of euro; CNR budget: 720 Keuro].

Dr. G. Varvaro

Institute of Structure of Matter - CNR, Roma (Italy)

Gaspare Varvaro (PhD in Material Science 2007, University “La Sapienza” of Roma, Italy) works as a CNR Researcher since 2010. He is member of the Nanostructured Magnetic Material Lab (ISM – CNR) and head of the thin film deposition lab since 2015. His interests span from the fabrication to the characterization of magnetic behaviour and their correlation with morpho-structural properties of nanostructured magnetic materials including single-phase, magnetic composites and hybrid/multifunctional systems (thin films, multilayers, nanoparticles and nano-patterned systems) for fundamental studies and applications (information storage, energy, sensors, biomedicine). His research activity is witnessed by more than 40 papers on ISI journals and conference proceedings, 2 book chapters and about 130 contributions (20 Invited) to national and international conferences and workshops. He is co-editor of a book titled “Ultra-High-Density Magnetic Recording: Storage Materials and Media Designs” (Pan Stanford Publishing, 2016).