Staining Procedures


1.Open CO2 tank valve, cool stage until fully frozen

2. Make a straight cut across cerebellum ensuring brain stays upright/level

3. Use 1% ethanol as the base for the frozen stage

4. When ethanol is partially frozen, add 30% sucrose as the base

5. When sucrose is partially frozen, place the brain facing the dorsal side to the blade

6. Add additional sucrose and allow to freeze

7. Adjust the stage by lowering or raising it so tissue is below where the blade will run

8. Place blade in correct position, tightening screws to hold in place

9. Obtain brush and a sectioned dish of distilled water to place the tissue

10. Cut tissue into sections ~50 microns~ extend cutting arm for automatic adjustment

11. After cutting is finished, remove and wash the blade with soapy water. Dry and store it in oil.

12. Place a section in a dish of water, allow to float to top, place slide under the tissue in the water when mounting

13. Guide tissue to correct spot on slide using a brush

14. Allow tissue to dry after mounting 
