MaBE @ Pécs_v2 reloaded 2022


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1st of October (event day 1) - University of Pécs, Medical School, Main building, Dean's conference room
7627 Pécs, Szigeti út 12, Main building, 1st floor

9:00 Opening

9:15 Introduction of MaBE

9:30 Introduction of the YEBN

9:45 Simon Armbruszt (SoftFlow)

10:15 Coffe Break

10:35 Ágota Apáti - : "From bench to bedside"; applications of human pluripotent stem cells

11:05 Szekeres Júlia - HRNL & research on the field of reproduction

11:35 Marianna Pap - Oncolytic virus therapy

12:05 Eszter Krisán - Startup Plastic Surgery (more details)

12:20 András Telek - Servier's introduction

12:45 András Szőke - Medical applications of 3D printing and bioprinting


13:20 - 14:20 Lunch

Registered participants are invited. Share the organizers your diet in the registration form, so we can try to adapt.


14:20 MaBE's general assembly (all members required, everyone welcomed)


Lab visit at the Department of Immunology and Biotechnology

2nd of October (event day 2) - University of Pécs, Medical School, Department of Immunology and Biotechnology
7627 Pécs, Honvéd street 5
Arrive in time! Visitors can enter together at 11 am.
Hand sanitiser is provided, please use it!

11:00 Lab visit at the Department of Immunology and Biotechnology
Planned practical demonstration: organ suspension cultures.

From 13:00, lunch is available at the department. Registered participants are invited. Share the organizers your diet in the registration form, so we can try to adapt.

Visitors can enter the Szentágothai Research Center from 13:00 in groups of 10 people. Each group is led by an organizer. After the visit, they can return to the Department of Immunology and Biotechnology.

Visit at the Szentágothai Research Center

13:00 - 15:00 Groups of 10 people can visit the Food Biotechnology Research Group in Szentágotai Research Center. It will be a guided visit in the laboratory.

Visitors can enter the Szentágothai Research Center from 13:00 in groups of 10 people. Each group is led by an organizer. After the visit, they can return to the Department of Immunology and Biotechnology.