Website for MA702: Mathematical Analysis, 

Fall 2024 

This is the website for the course  MA702: Mathematical Analysis. It is a course offered to Integrated PhD students.  

The main book we will be following is  "Real Analysis" by N.L.Carothers. Other books we might consult from time to time are: 

1) "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" by Rudin. 

2) "Introduction to Real Analysis" by Bartle and Sherbert.    

3) "Topology" by Munkres. 

4) "Chaotic Dynamics: Fractals, Tilings and Substitutions" by Geoffrey Goodson 

5) "Real Analysis" by Folland 

I have taught this same course last year. Here is the website   MA702 (Mathematical Analysis) 

I also taught a similar course last semester. Here is the website M204 (Metric Spaces)   

Grading:  Homework and Quizzes = 30% 

                      Mid Term = 30% 

                      Final Exam = 40% 

Grading will be absolute! 

My email address is ritwikm[at]