Website for M204: Metric Spaces

This is the website for the course  M204: Metric Spaces.  

Some of the books we will be following are: 

1) "Real Analysis" by N.L.Carothers. 

2) "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" by Rudin. 

3) "Introduction to Real Analysis" by Bartle and Sherbert.    

4) "Topology" by Munkres. 

5) "Real Analysis" by Folland. 

Grading:  Homework and Quizzes = 30% 

                      Mid Term = 30% 

                      Final Exam = 40% 

Grading will be absolute! 

My email address is ritwikm[at] 


Quiz 1              Scanned Solutions to Quiz 1

Quiz 2              Scanned Solutions to Quiz 2

                                                                                                          You will have Quiz 3 on Friday (9th February).                                                                                                        



Homework 1

Homework 2                           Scanned Solutions to Homework 2

Homework 3                          (Postponed for now. If you have thought about he question, you can discuss with me. )

Practice Problems   (Updated)

Practice Problem Set for Mid Term

Mid Term Exam 

Question Paper                            Hand written solutions (scanned)

Final Exam 

Question Paper                            Hand written solutions (scanned)