
Perfecting Imagination

New Build of OctoDash Now At v2.1.1!

After many fixes, and countless testing hours, v2.1.1 is up and running. I decided to make builds myself, just in case I did something different they UnchartedBull does when building his linux packages. I also decided that this would be a good time to make 3 separate installer scripts. This makes it MUCH easier for you to choose which version you want to install. On the rig I am building right now, I am running a Raspberry Pi 4, OctoPi 0.18.0 (latest ARM64 nightly), and my build of OctoDash v2.1.1 (ARM64 variant), running on a 60GB USB-3 SSD. Word of warning, the plugin installer takes a LONG time. For me it was close to 5 minutes. Just let it do it's thing, and eventually it will finish. Head on over to the link below to check it out, or use the navigation at the top of the site.


Welcome to My New Website

I have been looking for a place to host some stuff for some time, and was easy to use. Most of all, at the moment, FREE. I don't get much customization here, but it will do for now. I will have tutorial videos, guides, reviews, and downloads here.

I will periodically add stuff as I complete projects, build new printers, or offer things for sale. Some form of "store" will need to be worked on. Will take some time.

If you would like to help support my efforts, including buying new printer parts, or even spools of filament, there is a donate link at the top right of the site, at the end of the navigation links!