
My name is Noah, and I've been working with 3D printers since mid 2018. As most people who watch my YouTube channel know, I don't do shoddy work. I meticulusly plan, design, and print every part I use.

My best printer is now an extreme overhaul of my very first printer, the dreaded Anet A8. Aptly named "Fire Hazard". It has since gone through so many changes it's really hard to keep track. There are very few original parts left on it. BUT, it is my most trusty printer!

I have started to build a second printer. This time it's based on a CoreXY kinematic system, using the RatRig V-Core 2.0 kit. It is also my first printer with pure Marlin 2.0.0. This time around, I have to build the firmware from source, so I get an even deeper glimpse into how it works. This it turning out to be a fun project!

Stick around, I have a lot more coming. As long as I'm able, I will continue to update this site and its contents.