Muhammad ismail

Muhammad Ismail is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department, Faculty of Engineering, Tennessee Tech University, Cookeville, TN, USA since August 2019. He is an experienced academic with 12 years of research and teaching experience in prestigious institutes including Texas A&M University at Qatar, University of Waterloo, and Ain Shams University. Dr. Ismail has a research portfolio of over $6.2 million. He is a co-recipient of the best paper award at IEEE ICC 2014, IEEE Globecom 2014, SGRE 2015, Green 2016, the IEEE Technical Committee on Green Communications and Networking (TCGCN) best paper award at IEEE ICC 2019, the IEEE Intelligent Systems (IEEE IS) 2020. His research interests include cyber-physical security, wireless networks, smart grids, deep machine learning, blockchain, optimization, and stochastic modeling.

Dr. Ismail taught various courses both at undergraduate and graduate levels and presented in various leading conferences around the globe. He is an IEEE senior member and an Associate Editor for IEEE Journal on Internet-of-Things, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, IET Communications, and Elsevier PHYCOM. He served as an Editorial Assistant for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He serves regularly in conference organizations and TPC membership for several IEEE flagship conferences, in addition to refereeing for leading IEEE journals.

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