
  • Professional Membership: IEEE Senior Member since 2016.

  • Editorial Activities:

  1. Associate Editor [2021-Present]: IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

  2. Associate Editor [2019-Present]: IEEE Journal on Internet-of-Things.

  3. Guest Editor [2019-2021]: IEEE Wireless Communications Special Issue on Service-Oriented Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks.

  4. Associate Editor [2019-2021]: Elsevier PHYCOM.

  5. Associate Editor [2016-2021]: IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking.

  6. Associate Editor [2014-2021]: IET Communications.

  7. Editorial Assistant [2011-2013]: for IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

  8. Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Communication Letters, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on Communications, International Journal on Sensor Networks, EURASIP, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, IET Communications, Performance Evaluation, ETRI, China Communications, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, and IEEE Signal Processing Letters.

  • Conference Organization:

  1. Workshop Chair IEEE GreenCom 2018.

  2. TPC co-chair in the IEEE VTC 2017 conference for the Ad-Hoc, M2M, and Sensor Networks track.

  3. TPC co-chair in the IEEE VTC 2016 conference for the Ad-Hoc, M2M, and Sensor Networks track.

  4. Publicity and Publication Chair for CROWNCOM 2015.

  5. Web Chair for the IEEE INFOCOM 2014.

  6. TPC in IEEE Gloebcom 2017 and 2016.

  7. TPC in IEEE PIMRC 2017.

  8. TPC in the IEEE VTC-Fall 2016.

  9. TPC in IEEE ICC 2014-2018.

  10. TPC in the International Conference on Smart Grids for Smart Cities 2016.

  11. TPC in the International Traffic Medicine Association (ITMA) - Traffic Medicine and Road Safety in Fast Developing Countries 2016.

  12. TPC in International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC) in 2010-2016.

  13. Session Chair, IEEE WCNC, Doha, Qatar, April 2016.

  14. Session Chair, CROWNCOM, Doha, Qatar, April 2015.