Whose indicator will be the leading economic story of 2024? Kenny Malone with interest rates? Jeff Guo on 'Bidenomics'? Or Wailin Wong taking out junk fees? Kenny Malone, Jeff Guo, Wailin Wong/NPR  hide caption

Whose indicator best sums up 2023? Is it Kenny Malone with consumer sentiment? Jeff Guo with the soft landing? Or Wailin Wong on the housing market? Kenny Malone, Jeff Guo, Wailin Wong/NPR  hide caption

M Indicator App

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myDataBank allows you to derive your own Custom Indicators from existing series. 

 Click on Custom Indicators. Choose input indicators by clicking on the desired series in the panel and use the calculator functions to construct your custom indicator formula. 


 For example, for a series that shows the percentage of female population, double-click on the series Population, Female. Then create a formula by clicking*100/ from the key pad. Then double click on the series Population, Total. 


 After the formula is complete, you can verify its syntax by clicking the "> Validate icon. Give a name to your custom indicator and click on Add. 


 Similarly you can create custom indicators such as GDP per Capita as GDP/Population, and annual growth rates for population as AGR(Population, Total), etc. To have "not available" values in the database treated as zero within your formula, use the NA function.

The global indicator framework for Sustainable Development Goals was developed by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDGs) and agreed upon at the 48th session of the United Nations Statistical Commission held in March 2017.

The global indicator framework was later adopted by the General Assembly on 6 July 2017 and is contained in the Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Work of the Statistical Commission pertaining to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (A/RES/71/313), Annex. According to the Resolution, the indicator framework will be refined annually and reviewed comprehensively by the Statistical Commission at its fifty-first session in March 2020 and its fifty-sixth session, to be held in 2025. The global indicator framework will be complemented by indicators at the regional and national levels, which will be developed by Member States.

Annual refinements of indicators are included in the indicator framework as they occur. In line with the mandate of the group, the IAEG-SDGs proposed 36 major changes to the framework in the form of replacements, revisions, additions and deletions as part of the 2020 Comprehensive Review, which were approved by the 51st Statistical Commission in March 2020.

The global indicator framework includes 231 unique indicators. Please note that the total number of indicators listed in the global indicator framework of SDG indicators is 248. However, thirteen indicators repeat under two or three different targets (see below).

This is the official website of the United Nations providing information on the development and implementation of an indicator framework for the follow up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It is maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), a division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA).

Indicator 14 is an unduplicated, hierarchical count of the activities in which youth are participating in within one year after exiting their postsecondary education placement. Data for this indicator will be collected through the Wisconsin Indicator 14 Post School Outcomes Survey.

Mortality and hospitalization based indicators are presented as both crude and age-adjusted rates. The standard population that was used for adjustment was the 2000 United States population. Age adjustment allows for the comparison of rates between geographic areas with different age distributions.

These community statistics are grouped into fifteen health-related topics. The dashboard also includes an "About This Site" page which links to "About" indicator pages that provides indicator definitions, data sources and NYSDOH program contact information.

Data for each health topic can be obtained in two different formats. The first option, The New York State Community Health Indicator Reports (CHIRS) dashboard presents 15 health topics that include about 350 health indicators. The dashboard has maps, tables, bar charts, trend graphs, and at-a-glance comparisons of the two most recent data points. Each table contains data for all 62 New York State counties, 11 Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) regions, New York City, the State excluding New York City, and New York State.

Information can be accessed by selecting one of the health-related topics. After selecting a topic, a list of available indicators will appear. On the Dashboard home page, the green row includes the column header labeled Data Views. There are four or five icons displayed under the Data Views column, depending on the indicator.

The state dashboard also includes the at-a-glance comparisons of the two most recent data points, and charts showing the indicator for the state, NYC and the state excluding NYC. The dashboard also includes a "Data Table" option that shows a comprehensive data table of all indicators organized by the health-related topics. This table displays data for the most recent year and for the previous year by indicator.

Multiple years of data were combined to generate more stable estimates when the number of events for an indicator was small (i.e., rare conditions).

 The relative standard error (RSE) is a tool for assessing reliability of an estimate. A large RSE is produced when estimates are calculated based on a small number of cases.2 Estimates with large RSEs are considered less reliable than estimates with small RSEs. The National Center for Health Statistics recommends that estimates with RSEs greater than 30% should be considered unreliable/unstable.3

CHIRS indicators fall into three categories with regard to the direction of their estimates. Higher estimates in some indicators mean poorer health or greater risk of poorer health (e.g., the percentage of premature deaths before age 75 years, or cardiovascular hospitalizations). Lower estimates in some other indicators mean poorer health or greater risk of poorer health (e.g., the percentage of the population with health insurance, or the percentage of infants exclusively breastfed in the hospital). A few indicators do not have a direction (e.g., total population, percent of births which were first birth), and the higher or lower estimates have no meaning in terms of health or heath risk. For these indicators, "Increased" or "Decreased" is used instead to indicate change from the previous data period.

For each CHIRS indicator, county estimates are grouped into three categories: LIGHT GREEN, BLUE-GREEN, and DARK BLUE. The three colors represent the quartile distribution of estimates for the counties, ordered from counties with the lowest percent of population with poorer health or at risk of poorer health, to counties with the highest percent of population with poorer health or at risk of poorer health.

For CHIRS indicators where higher estimates mean poorer health or greater risk of poorer health (e.g., percentage of premature deaths before age 75 years or the age-adjusted rate of cardiovascular disease hospitalizations):

For CHIRS indicators where lower estimates mean poorer health or greater risk of poorer health (e.g., the percentage of the population with health insurance or the percentage of infants exclusively breastfed in the hospital):

Some indicators do not fall into the two types of indicators listed above, such as population, and percent of births which were first birth. The county dial is only a visual representation of where the county is in relation to other counties, e.g. larger or smaller, higher or lower.

Results are not shown (i.e., suppressed) when issues of confidentiality exist. Suppression rules vary depending on the data source and the indicator. An 's' notation indicates that the data did not meet reporting criteria.

Issue: When I add an extent indicator to a map layout with an inset map and chose "callout to edges" in the Leader section of the extent indicator's element properties pane, the callout line connection points differ between the map frame and the indicator box. I think it would make more visual sense if these connection points were consistent.

In the screenshot below, the connection points on the map frame are different from the connection points on the indicator box. I think that if the lines connect to the top left and bottom right of the map frame, they should also connect to the top left and bottom right of the indicator box representing the extent of that map frame.

Likewise, if the callout leaders connect to the two top corners of the map frame, they should connect to the two top corners of the indicator box to create a sort of 3-D popout effect. In the image below, they connect the bottom corners of the indicator box to the top corners of the map frame, which to me is visually confusing/jarring.

API -  The URL for the economic indicators data in the Census Bureau API (Application Programming Interface) has been updated to add /timeseries/. Examples can be found on the Developers' webpage.

ISBE has a multi-measures accountability system that considers school and student group performance on multiple Academic and Student Success and School Quality (SSSQ) indicators to create a holistic index score that is used to issue one of four annual summative designations - Exemplary, Commendable, Targeted Support, and Comprehensive Support. Each indicator is scored between 0 and 100. The indicator score is multiplied by the indicator weight (5 to 50 percent) to determine the indicator points and added to create an index score for the school as the whole as well as specific student groups within each school.

Schools fall into two grade spans, the elementary school (ES) band, which includes Grades 1-8, and the high school (HS), band which includes Grades 9-12. Schools that serve grades in both the ES and HS spans receive two designations. The specific indicators are a mix of federally required metrics (such as English language arts [ELA] and math proficiency) and high school graduation rate, along with state-selected indicators (such as student growth chronic absenteeism). In addition, ISBE proposed four innovative meta-indicators, which are indicators made up of multiple data points that together convey more meaning than they do individually about a particular area. ff782bc1db

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