06/12/2024: Trevor is selected to receive the Nancy M. and Brock D. Nelson Scholarship. Congratulations!

05/28/2024: Lily Torrans from the College of William and Mary joined the lab as a REU student. Welcome!

04/18/2024: Lanying gave an invited talk at the 2024 Symposium on the Immune System of Bacteria.

04/10/2024: The PP7 paper is out in Science. Check out this news story covering it.

03/28/2024: Lanying gave a seminar to the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at the UT Health, Houston.

03/01/2024: The PP7 paper entitled "Removal of Pseudomonas Type IV Pili by a Small RNA Virus" led by our lab and Junjie Zhang's lab is accepted to publish in Science. Congratulations to the co-first authors Tee and Zihao, and all other authors!

02/02/2024: Zihao won the John Mack Prescott Award, the highest graduate student research award in our department. Congratulations!

01/03/2024: Harrison and Zaina join the lab as graduate students. Welcome!

11/14/2023: Harrison and Zaina join the lab for their rotation 3. Welcome!

10/09/2023: Rachel, Gladys and Hamza join the lab for their rotation 2. Welcome!

09/21/2023: Lanying gave a seminar to the Department of Microbiology, Harvard Medical School, and to the Biophysics of MIT.

09/05/2023: Brianna and Mason join the lab for their rotation 1. Ian joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!

08/21/2023: Chaohua joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!

08/07/2023: Zihao receives the Thomas L. Patterson Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!

08/01/2023: Lanying gave an invited talk at the STATPHYS28 Satellite Meeting - Emergence in Biological Networks in Taipei, Taiwan. 

06/17/2023: Zihao received the Gisela Mosig Award at the ASM Microbe. Congratulations!

The whole lab attended the conference. Zihao and Matthew presented their research.

Zihao's award

Zihao's talk

Matthew's talk

05/30/2023: Trevor is selected to receive the Michelle Williams Deere Scholarship. Congratulations!

05/16/2023: Zihao won the Gisela Mosig Award, and he will present his research at the ASM meeting in Houston next Month. Congratulations!

01/03/2023: Addison and Zhi join the lab as graduate students. Welcome!

11/14/2022: Thom and Zhi join the lab for rotation 3. Welcome!

11/01/2022: Lanying gave a seminar to Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

10/10/2022: Addison joins the lab for rotation 2. Welcome!

09/06/2022: Zach and Cody join the lab for rotation 1. Welcome!

08/01 - 08/05/2022: The whole lab attended the Phage Meeting at Madison, Wisconsin.

08/01/2022: The lab receives an NIH R01 to study ssRNA phages and the impact on the host retractile pili upon the infection.

05/2022: Congratulations, Dr. Laith Harb!

02/11/2022: Laith won the John Mack Prescott Award, the highest graduate student research award in our department. Congratulations!

07/2021: Laith is selected to receive the Thomas L. Patterson Graduate Fellowship. Congratulations!

05/2021: Congratulations, Dr. Kailun Zhang!

04/2021: Our NIH grant which aims to disarm bacteria by ssRNA phages is highlighted in AgriLife Today, Texas A&M University, KBTX, KXXV.

12/2020: The lab receives an NIH funding to examine pili detachment by ssRNA phages.

06/2020: The lab receives an NSF funding (transitions) to examine the role of spatial structure in phage lambda decision making.

12/2019: Congratulations, Dr. Jingwen Guan!

08/2019: The lab receives an NSF funding to study the entry dynamics of ssRNA phages.